
Πέμπτη 12 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013



ΧΑΣΙΩΤΗΣVasilis D. Chasiotis

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit

sind des Glückes Unterpfand;

(German national anthem)

 Dear Madam,

I am sending this letter to you because, “Fortuna Bona” for your country and unfortunate for my country, fate has given you the chance as a country, once more, to become regulators of human souls instead of regulators of economic and political issues in other countries, moreover in my country. Few days ago, I watched the debate with the leader of Social Democrats in which, undoubtedly, you gave a speech like a true Chancellor of not only Germany, but even Greece.

During the last 3 years, you appear in Greece as a “coordinator partner”, a “rescuer”, a “reformer” of the administrative issues, but in my view, your presence here is like that of a Conqueror, a cruel, a cold-hearted, an inhuman Conqueror, like the recent Conquerors who stepped in my country –transiently, as a rule. There is a possibility of having two types of assistance to countries which actually need it: on the one hand, assistance under cruel or less cruel terms but with respect of the national integrity of the country and its people dignity and on the other, assistance as a “vehicle” which aims at the political control of the country which needs the assistance. This type of assistance is not only cruel or inhuman but it is mainly socially unfair in respect of its terms.

Germany has been experienced by both types of assistance. As being assisted, after the end of the Second World War, being given assistance under cruel terms but with respect of its national integrity and its people dignity and now as an assisting country it falls within the second type. You were called here, in Greece, by a non legitimate, due to lack of popular mandate, Greek government. Since then, you remain here in Greece in the fields of the illegitimate mandate on behalf of the Greek governments. The Greek people has never accepted the terms of your assistance. Instead, the Greek voters voted for those who promised them that these terms would be abolished. This is the explanation of the lack of legitimacy. I strongly believe that your appearance in Greece had been premeditated before the official demand for your assistance. It is apparent that the Greek financial and monetary figures had been “tailored” in such a way in an effort to justify the official demand for the financial assistance. Your financial assistance which appears as a “salvation” programme is nothing more than an “integrated programme” which leads not only to disaster, but to death. A death not in a metaphoric sense but a true death as it is evidenced by the thousands of suicides in my country.

I am addressing to you as the Head of the German government and not to Troika because I would underestimate our intelligence if we played the game of who in fact governs and who takes the last decision for the salvation of my country. I stress the political character of this letter. I do not judge the politicians and their political decisions according to their personal characteristics. When I am addressing to you as “You” and “my Lady” or “Mrs”, I do not address to the “person” Angela Merkel but to the specific institution : The Chancellor of Germany. Even in this case, it does not escape from my mind the fact that as an institution you represent views that are not purely personal but those that balance other views due to the fact that the government is a coalition government. When I address to you saying “You” I mean “You, as a representative of a specific governmental policy”. Consequently, this letter is a political text publishable urbi et orbi.


In Spring 2010, an international group of “rescuers” came in Greece. It was typically only an “international” because in essence what it arrived at Greece was the German willingness. Those “doctors” came to “recover” the patient (where “patient” see Greece). I will not insist on the nature of the “recovery” which was imposed on Greece. I will describe it only with titles. It is a policy which kills the “patient” without the use of an anesthetic like producing to the doctors idolized feelings since they could kill the patient in a more “human way”. The policy of Troika, which means your own policy creates modern economic and social crematoria in which the victims are alive when they are inserted in for incineration, which means the total poverty. Even if we concentrate on the economic reading of the Memoranda, there is no need for someone to be an economist or be more experienced than the management of a kiosk to understand that the policy of those Memoranda, on the pretext of the economy, it violates the national sovereignty, the national independence, it steals our national wealth in the name of our European partners who were ready to “help” us. All these, with a parallel behavior of debasement of the political and civic institutions of my country and the Greek people, which behavior leads to extreme poverty. What happened in Greece was that: it was a patient who came in front of “doctors” having swallowed a bone being in danger of suffocation and the “doctors” began insulting him and as a recovery they fenced off his neck with more bones!

The policy of the Memorandum in its nature and its ethical dimension is not the same as the nature and the ethical conduct of a loan shark. A loan shark, since he puts the initial terms of cooperation with the person who borrows money, he keeps these terms till the end of the cooperation agreement and he does not appear every ninth Friday, at midnight asking for new terms, worse than those of the initial agreement. Moreover, both i.e. the “rescuers” and the “loan shark” have a common target: they do not feel reluctant to give more loans, to “facilitate” the borrower in returning the money, to help you having the objective of taking everything when the burden of the “assistance” becomes onerous and put the borrower on his knees. The “assistance” ends when the assets of the borrower do not cover the amount of the economic assistance.

You know that there is not only the intentional bankruptcy. There is, also, the lurking  “rescue” when the “rescuer”, in essence, push the borrower to catastrophe for his own interests imposing on the victim consciously catastrophic policies for the borrower which, in our case, could be a mixture of benefits for the “rescuer”, which policies can easily be economic, political and geostrategic.

The things are more serious especially when we have to do with a wrong “economic” policy. We stressed this previously, but in this point it is necessary to repeat it. The “economic” issue in the Memoranda is nothing more than the mask behind which Troika tries to hide the true face of degradation which is present in my country which proclaims that it is our “rescuer”.

In my point of view, the objective of the German presence in my country is obvious: Germany came to my country in order to impose its total sovereignty, its total will, Germany wants to control the national and private economy of Greece, it wants to ravage it and to finally control the political function of the country. In one word this means OCCUPATION! The degradation of the Greek government from the Troika interference is apparent. Do not accuse me of talking of conspiracy, that everything conspire against Greece. It is not the approach I give to the real things. I see Greece following a policy with broader objectives which have to do with a number of “regional” European people who are programmed to play the role of “cheap labour force” with relevant labour and social rights. Your country, in the past, the Third Reich had determined with precise geographic accuracy those people who suffer from poverty in the borders of the current countries who are supposed to become “special economic zones” of Europe, those who belong to the German locomotive which constantly needs plenty and cheap carbon to operate. When I concentrate on Greece, I am doing this for two reasons: First, due to the limited extent of this letter and secondly due to the fact that my country had the honour to be the first “guinea pig” of this new project.

At the same time, this “salvation policy”, the policy of Memoranda, created in my country conditions of humanitarian crisis, which are thoroughly struggling to hide and to downplay the size of. However, as long as they hide this fact, (apart from the fact that a Democracy which begins to fear and to hide the reality is sliding toward totalitarian practices and perceptions) they strike the opposite: rumours are grown, which counts worse for them than if they presented the real truth. I have, also, to stress something which will be analysed below. This human crisis, I do strongly believe is a quasi genocide and as such it is interpreted in my mind and I hope that as such is going to be seen when Justice in Europe and in my country come back from exile. Justice will do what it has to do.

My Lady,

Your country, in an effort to promote the objective of its PanEuropean sovereignty, it has commenced to draw from its historical tradition familiar strategies and policies. The case of Greece is a characteristic one. It has an obvious objective: its pure colonization. We do not play with words. Not only a colony due to the debt. It has to become a true colony of Germany. For this reason, the current propaganda has recruited every kind of miserable smear of my country and its people, a propaganda which gives the smell of total perceptions and cultures of the “past good days” as for example the belief of collective responsibility which, here in Greece, is promoted by your government along with your traditional allies as well as the domestic allies, a “bunch” of awful persons who play your role and promote your propaganda.

A “righteous”, “organized” and successful in economic terms country, a country “appraiser of ethics” with economic and political –for the time being- power of a European  dimension, with a people of relevant capacities, has “nobly” decided to “put its hand into its pocket” and “rescue” Greece‚ “by chance” or “negligently” instead of putting its hand in its own pocket, it put it in the pocket of the one who supposedly should be rescued. In history, there were a lot of terrestrial “Rescuers”. Who is the “rescuer” and who is the one who must be rescued? The first is already described. The second? The one who must be rescued? It is Greece! It is composed by people who are “lazy”, “corrupted” and “spoiled” who lived above their economic capacities and now it is the theory of collective liability which appears: one “thief”, all thieves, one has eaten much, all have eaten a lot! This explains why the middle Celtic finger which was raised in a German magazine, something which in no way, as I strongly believe, made unhappy the readers, a finger which shows a German phallus and clearly describes not only that Greeks will be punished but also in which way we will be punished.

The revengeful and at the same time penalizing tension is evident in the case of my country, as it happened recently in the case of Cyprus, moreover in the latter case, in accordance with specifications which do not belong to me, but I do not reject them, this tension was manifested with features of gangster type. In fact, I scared more because now I realize with terror that there is not simply something rotten that exists in Europe, but that this rotten thing is incorporated within the current institutions. A country which has dared to say “no” to the terms of its death because that was proposed to it, the country was simply excoriated in live and summarily! The miserable thing is that there as well as here in Greece, they are asking for previous decisions of Parliament which ratify “freely” what they suggest and if they are not ratified the precedent of Cyprus appears! Democracy has become a “zombie” which falsely appears to be a brilliant and beautiful reality! This penalizing and revengeable tension is partly inherent to any Large Force when another country or people objects, and partly, especially in today’s Germany, as I believe, due to the expansionist objectives of this country it never disappeared definitively after the Second World War, and simply, it expected to come back, and it came. Specifically, in the case of Greece, the fact that the two countries have never been found together in the large battles in Europe from the same side, which means that the two countries were traditionally hostile to each other especially during the moments of major decisions among to what each one considered Fair or Unfair, this probably led to the hostile behavior of Germany towards our country, to the same extent perhaps, that is obvious the sympathy of Germany to countries historically allied to it or even not opposed, when in the past, Germany was trying to establish its sovereignty in Europe. Nevertheless, it still remains for scientific investigation at least, why a country, its people, such as your country, Madam, and your people, which both have benefited from other countries and other Forces, when the latter could have succeeded in the decrease of the German State, instead they behaved towards the country and its people as it was not the loser of a barbaric war and for which Germany was the only responsible, but they behaved towards your country as if it had come out from a great economic disaster, giving it time and space to recover without involving its people in humanitarian crisis. This had to be done! Unfortunately, however, you give me the right to say that, even so, it has not been able to soften the soul and the heart of a country and a people, who, here, the fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, who lived under occupation in the periods 1941-1944, had described as a “very tough nation”. You may say that during the occupation period, the occupied would not be possible to have another image. I agree. Just let me remind you that at that time we suffered a triple occupation: German, Bulgarian and Italian. For you and Bulgarians, however, (your traditional allies) it is said the worst things, and almost nothing for the Italians. Is it a coincidence?

In my country we say: no one is more ungrateful than the benefited!

You have made clear, my Lady, the philosophy and ideology of your policy for the “salvation” of my country since your first arrival at Greece. A policy, which some of its points, as far as I am concerned, I can interpret only with similar references to the inter-war period during the last century, and, in some other points, with references to data of the 19th or 18th century. The core of your policy, is the extension of your national vital space, and the its sovereignty. No sense of legitimacy will take precedence over your target. What can Germany impose, under its current leadership and its current policy, it will be imposed in every possible way. Whatever may not be opposed to your force, it cannot have an appropriate role in the European scene, but also in history. This is what I understand of your policy here in Greece but also in Europe. However, my hope is that Germany, and I am talking about this because Germany is the one which threatens my country and me, systematically fails in its hegemonic efforts, committing almost the same historical and strategic mistakes. In particular, it is wrong to believe that the physical, the social and the political developments confirm that it is sufficient in itself to have a “bare” “Force” which imposes upon weaker countries based solely on the excellence of this point without, at the same time, having features of excellence in other areas, such as flexibility, diplomacy, etc. , areas in which Germany is not distinguished, in contrast to other forces. Germany, quite simply, has a “charisma”, to easily create enemies and with difficulty friends, moreover, to keep its friendships with difficulty, and in addition, to act as a bull in a China shop. This “charisma” will become fatal for Germany once again, I am sorry to say, fortunately for us, because I would like the issue of the true European unification policy to go forward as far as possible in order to be considered as “normal” to speak about any German as I would speak for any of my fellow countryman, and a German from Westphalia to speak for a Greek as would speak of a German in Thuringia. At the moment, the latter citizen is raising in a disparaging way his middle finger to the first, and the first, reacting of course, is not a problem to make the same.

It is not by chance that the policies of “salvation” imposed upon Greece, constitute violations of individual rights, national, social, economic and political rights which were not determined as such domestically by “lazy” people and “corrupted” and a political system equally corrupted, but these are rights accepted by the civilized world. In our country, the Greek Constitution has become a rag bag, under the weight of the German pressure and demands, (something which is confessed not only by politicians but even eminent practitioners here in my country), and of course you would succeed in this in a more difficult way, not only if you’d find here less willing political forces, but if previously you didn’t make rag bags the most fundamental provisions of the founding Treaties of the European Union which did not provide but asked for the parity between the States and the direct or indirect involvement of one country in the political affairs of another country. These provisions neither as caricatures no longer exist, and the “German factor” has a significant responsibility for this. What happens, what in fact is imposed today upon my country through the policies of Memoranda, in my interpretation, is the “aroma” of totalitarianism, in the core of which there is the request to subjugate the conscience and personality of citizens, mainly through the strategy and similar political intimidation policies in its most extreme manifestations and under the most extreme forms. We do not talk about issues of “democratic diversion”. In my country but also in Europe, we are currently experiencing, elsewhere more rapidly and more openly, elsewhere more slowly and more obscurely, the awakening of the beast of barbarism, which as a vampire came out from the tomb of terrifying each human being.

On the other hand, cynicism is in excess, especially when it is displayed as “realism” it would give the right to someone to say that: “It is your problem if you are under extortion on pressures and you violate your Constitution”. Yes, it is true that this can be said, however, the legal consequences of acts of degradation are independent and equally self-charged, regardless of the responsibilities of each other “contractor” in the same terrible event. So, as soon as legality here or in Europe is restored, it will not recognize any act which was in breach of national and especially international and European law, no matter how many signatures have been put and who put them in texts with illegal and abusive content. Especially when the question of the legitimacy of contractors is put, i.e. who and under which express legal order by his principal, i.e. the Greek people, agreed, what he agreed and signed everything. This is true both from “this side”, the Greek one, and from “your side‛ because the Law does not forgive negligence of only one party of an agreement to verify the existence and authorization of the content of the authorization of the representative of the owner of the case. Because of the fact that members and institutions of the European Union participate in Troika, as the European Commission and the European Central Bank, they will be called to account and clarify both what were the legitimate orders and which are the powers that derive from the fundamental Treaties of the Union, and if all their actions, in relation to the “Greek problem”, to stick only to that, were absolutely right, on the basis of these conditions and provisions.

Troika, in my view, i.e. your government, Madam, has forced the Greek Government and Parliament to act in times of crisis in a so pathetic way that as an individual, as a Greek, I do not tolerate it and I want to condemn your behavior urbi et orbi. I am not going to make a list of your pressures which aimed, more than the seriousness of the alleged affair, at precisely to decrease the nature of the institutions of Democracy in my country. I could easily refer to and remind you under which circumstances and non-hidden intolerable pressures, the Memoranda were passed along with the other related laws. Laws of several hundred pages were introduced in the Parliament to debate and vote just a few hours after their distribution to the members, when this time was not enough even for a simple rapid reading, let alone their due study, always with the declaration of the lenders, i.e. Madam, your Excellence, that, if they were not voted in accordance with your demand in other words, if they were not voted without the voters should know what they are voting, the current dose and the same loan would be interrupted, something that if it happened I would have thought it as fortunate, since at the same time, it was generally known to the “lenders” that, until the Greek economy recover, they would not take anything at all, their Memoranda as monuments of international abuse is deemed invalid and without effect, and at least, when the extortioners are replaced by more human representatives, whatever produces and whatever earns the Greek State, will go exclusively to meet the needs of the population and its operation. Concerning euro, and I am convinced that Germany does not and in any way is interested in this currency as a “European” one but only as a simple currency, which, regardless of how it is called it serves only the German interests, therefore, a currency which simply drags me to the bottom of the sea, I do not support that because when I go to the bottom I can dot even by myself, to lead to my death, and there is no need to be sold to someone else who can lead me to the “fatal” fact. Under these circumstances, my Lady, and under worse circumstances e.g. , the public complaints that Troika here, has worked as an agent of specific Greek business interests, I have the right to be suspicious: very sincerely; the New Occupying Force, imposes its laws, a law worthy of being an Occupying Force.

At the same time, I also see another objective of the current Memoranda, resulting from the same settings which requires not to create a “bad precedent” about who should pay the bill in case of mismanagement of, not only, the national economy. Here, even the outright inspiration argument of collective responsibility does not apply, because something else nastiest applies: the bill will be paid by the known draft horses i.e. the employees and pensioners and on reflex, through the effects the national economy will have, it will be paid by the average business class, although, at times of “big games”, my personal opinion is, that the large national section of the country that receives the “attack”, will not be exempted of the bulimia of the Occupier. These usual draft horses, having lost since the last three years their salaries and pensions, since taxes, direct and indirect, especially the first, eliminated in substance their deposits, because now no longer do not suffice, you’re asking to sell at the lowest price any personal and real property, which is true that under the policy of the Memorandum, as this only temporarily will relieve, since many of them are already unemployed, homeless, and with debts that already have been multiplied in the last three years. If this “tradition” is overturned it would be a disaster, especially if we consider that the scope of the interlacing and mega-fraud usually arrives at the capitals of the countries and the government offices, which have reasonable interests to settle, the more subtle and quiet is done, these are the issues in which they are involved, and it usually relates the eclectic mix of actual fraud and racketeering.

My Lady,

The Memoranda were the outcome of propaganda as “One Way” for the “salvation” of Greece. I would agree with your propaganda as to this: the only possible way for someone to tricky succeed in both grotty objectives is in fact the way of Memoranda.

Because there was another way. Even me, personally, I could indicate other ways of rescuing my country and your own interests. However, the “rescue” of Greece was not only the pretext to bring the New Occupation in my country. Nothing else your ‚assistance‛ serves. This objective is so clear.

However, Germany is committing today the same strategic mistake which committed for more than a hundred years now, and I remain in the specific period,

which of course is hopeful for us …

Germany seeks to occupy violently Europe, which considers it to be a “size” which is located within the limits of its validity, in order to dominate it. Even the economic war being waged by, has a violent and “militaristic” aroma, despite the weapons are not the traditional ones. It is a “feeling”, a “perception” which Germany does not intend to cease despite the fact that the shameful denial of this concept, has led Germany at least twice on the verge of disappearance, as a state entity. Germany has about the same “size” as France and Italy (we are always in the area of continental Europe) and the only thing that distinguishes Germany from these two countries is the type of perception that has for “sovereignty” in Europe, in order to claim its vital area. Fortunately for Germany, the British Lion feels very comfortable with the Commonwealth and the United States, than with Europe, while Russia, traditionally, has never considered, as a superpower that was, and which is intended to be again, to join a union of States in which Moscow would not have the indisputable essential leadership. Of course, towards France and Italy and all the other countries of continental Europe, from an economic point of view, but only as to this, Germany has a “supreme” unquestionable “size”, but the economic leadership is not enough to give you leadership features in a long-term basis. Today, Germany, drawn in its leading superfialous expansion, appears to ignore this critical “detail”, while enjoying the economic “hegemony”, of that very short-term, as I believe, it gives it a significant, but temporary, political leadership, which allows it to play the role of the ruler in Europe. This hegemony, however, is built on sand. Europe, as a whole, is a very big fish in the mouth of Germany, and imagine Germany, like any big fish you want. And vice versa, if Europe is united against the German ‚expansion‛ even within the framework of an economic war, I think that Germany would suffer a new economic and political disaster. If only the European South declares the economic war to Berlin, even without the partnership any other European country, Berlin would feel strongly the consequences of this “war”. And I am not referring at all at how many countries will form an anti-German alliance, along with other forces, and probably will look London to ally with Rome, Athens, Madrid and Lisbon, and perhaps see Washington in this alliance. Moreover, the “American factor”, I believe, will exploit most of the expanding anti-Germanism in large areas of Europe, I do not think that it will lose this opportunity to hit a -at least-cost competitor.

Back to the “Greek case”, if Germany behaved as Rule of Law and not as a State – Invader, as a Member – Partner and not as a State – a shareholder in the European Union S. A”, and with respect to the founding Treaties of Europe, then, my Madam I would tell you what it should have done: before claiming the presence of accountants to evaluate the financial statements upon which the details of the financial “wheeling and dealing” would normally have occurred, Germany would have had to claim, in the name of the European and Greek legal culture, that nondiscriminatory judges and prosecutors to search and put responsibilities on the accused of a crime that has been committed against a people, a crime that according to all indications, unfortunately for our “international rescuers”, that had international, mostly European-wide “roots”, of the German responsibility, not excluding the ambiguous terms according to which large German companies are working and operating in my country, and perhaps the German public. The performance of justice and the human terms, would be the concern of a State, which is mainly State – law and, secondarily, Member – creditor. It was exactly what was done, what should not be done.

My Lady,

Unfortunately, we dream about different things, a different world, a different Europe, and perhaps, a different human species, with other “virtues”, not necessarily “German”.

I am sure that you believe that your vision is the “correct”, the “healthy” one. I cannot, but even if I could, dare to deny your beliefs, and much more to your imposing my own beliefs, even if I had the power, and at the same time, you personally, you would not have greater power than that I represent at the moment.

You (“you” as the institution that embodies the policy of your country), are dreaming economic governments in Member – companies. In this sense, “society is something that does not exist” (the phrase doesn’t belong to you obviously, but it obviously is in line with the logic of your policy we are experiencing here in Greece). However, in this Europe, it is not difficult to imagine who dreams of being seated in the chair of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Also, three or four other Member-Companies, I imagine, will be set at positions of directors-general, with other three or four States share positions of middle management. In addition, all the others, here I am putting also Italy and even France, under some conditions and for some parts, will constitute the labor force, which will be paid on the basis of the iron law of wages, so as to remain standing on their own feet, to turn the wheel of production, the only utility that can have as “factors of production”.

I dream of Member States with social content, subordinate to the Law as it is being recorded in our Judicial and Legal culture, above all democratic, as Democracy has entered as a meaning and function in our western culture, and of course, any other element reinforcing and conditioner of above, is to be welcomed. In my vision, the private economy is not the regulator of the social and democratic State, but a useful and necessary profitable operation performed both by private legitimate profit and thanks to the well-being of society along with the welfare of society and the degree of its proliferation within it, to be at the same time the index of social utility and effectiveness. In my vision, the human being with his unique or primary usefulness as a factor of production, is a man who prescribes a new kind of existence, completely inhuman in my own conscience, a “thing” : res. I dream of societies, in which the only “iron law” will be the one that would exclude someone to live below the poverty line, a society in which the fair distribution of wealth and income, would make the hardship and poverty stories that some generations will be told to children and grandchildren, and these too will be wondering about how it was possible to human being, one day, to be no such barbarity, but at the same time children will learn that brutality is something that never dies and that the only safe way to do it to stay in the place of its exile, is to keep well the gates of the State – Law and the welfare state, precisely what was done in Europe at least the last two decades if not sooner. I believe, and I strongly believe, that Europe today, in order to focus on a few issues, would have an unemployment rate in friction levels, in each of the corner, it could, in all of the Member States the minimum wage and the minimum pension to be determined single for all of the states, with what this means for the amount of salaries and pensions, just as I believe, that in today’s Europe, it would be possible, in each of its corner, not to have children to faint from hunger, not to have persons committing suicide from poverty, no one to be homeless. However, all these require a common European policy, and such a policy will never be in any sector, only euphemistical, as Europe is not a single state entity, with a federal European Parliament, with a federal government, with clear borders and when the President of the United States of America wants to contact the European counterpart, there will be such and would be a democratically elected in his place, representing the people of Europe, and why not, some time, the European nation. If there was such a Europe, then Greece and any other country with similar economic problems, would be treated with the same approach with which e.g. the Federal Republic of Germany would face a similar economic crisis e.g. in Bavaria. But this moves in the limits of fantasy.

In my own world, the economic and spiritual “oxygen” we breathe, is a public good, which is supplied free.

In the world that your policies are applied, or tends to dominate, the above “oxygen” is a private good, supplied on payment.

The vision of a united Europe, however, was based, among other things, on the assumption that there would be, there would have been not mere efforts, but neither moods no longer for the outbreak of neo-hegemony of some of the past European Imperial forces. Today, we can see that this has not been achieved, and Germany is proved to be the force that clearly not just dreams to resurrect the old imperial power, but it is seeking with its operations, its policy to bring out the intention to create a completely “German” Europe, which will breath and live in accordance with the “virtues” that the government of Germany suggests as reference points of each other “virtue” of any other European country, let alone the countries which are considered, de facto, as regional, barely tolerated in common institutions of Europe, since, at the moment, some “formal legal provisions” which the dying “republic” means, yet, as the ‘conversion rate’ and other similar screaming, must still be followed up to see how to get rid of these “uneconomic” “things”.

In my perception and interpretation of the facts, the current Germany is now the biggest risk not only for the unity of the European Union but, as I evaluate things, for the very existence of democracy in the European continent. On the basis of the “Greek case” (and even more recently the “Cypriot case” ), I am convinced that Germany, under the current policy, if it remains on, would seek to “devour” (what can devour) in every way possible, since it has already exude the pulled of legitimacy in the relationship and its activities with other European countries, acting even as a State, but as a common blackmailer and loan shark. This is what I understand, I do point it out, it is what I am experiencing as “Subject” of the “Greek experimental animal”, who fights to gain back the title it deserves: “Hellenic Republic”.

However, my Lady, the worst crime committed this time by your government, whether it is seen or not, is a crime which it will be proved to be at the expense of your people. It is more the revival of an anti-German feeling in many European people, which comes to be added back to old memories that had been assuaged by the nightmare that your country, my Lady, had created in the past with previous hegemonic projects. Young people, I note it here in my country, who have not shown until recently any interest about what happened in their own country 70 to 80 years ago, seeing their country sinking by a foreign barbarism, in which the word “Germany” is the most frequent one, listening to their fathers and grandparents, mothers and grandmothers, to tell stories of “monsters” for “those” times, which were referring to or watching documentaries on the brutality of the Germans during the occupying previous period of 1941-1944, documentaries that more and more are displayed, those young people start now to become more and more interested in what it is and what was the role Germany played in history, but in general and in Greek history in particular the “German factor”, and this history, now, starts and configures a “climate” in no way positive, my Lady, for your country and the history of your country, especially the following: it starts giving substance, content and awareness in their anger, which is no longer blank, but it is an anger which has “existential” content. And the question is: do you think, my Lady, that such a state of affairs, which of course does not happen only in Greece, is for the benefits, for the long-term German interests; I think, that once again Germany brings out another inherent strategic disadvantage: it lacks the necessary foresight and efficiency in foreign policy, which, if one compares it with other major powers, in the past or present, may note how “back” it is, and how it lacks the diplomatic flexibility, as already noted. It is perhaps indicative, how this “giant” of the economy, is almost completely absent politically in what, this period, is happening in the neighborhood, since the time of the Yugoslav war up to Syria today. However, such a “giant”, without geo-strategic power and international policy, is a “giant” with feet of clay. Germany is doomed historically to have any influence, in a small group of neighboring countries, although this is uncertain : nothing more. Already, the former European Empires essentially retain their titles, and, internationally, simply scrape behind the decisions of the US, or simply they are able to refrain, but not to prevent. This image, if the United Europe acquired a single state entity, would be changed radically and dramatically. It would upset or even would redetermine the international balances and the allocation of international power. The problem for countries with “national” leading orientation in Europe, such as Germany, and to be fair, not only Germany, is that they would be obliged to sacrifice their “hegemony” on the altar of a new and effective collectivism which would take their place, but on behalf of all countries – states, which of course, would impair the current “hegemonic” factors, such as the German one for example. My Lady, have you ever cost, on the basis of the well known German accuracy, which all counts and all weighs, how much can be claimed this anti-Germanism, and if no other parameter interests you, how it can cost to you? For some people here in my country, it is also considered as an anti-patriot practice to buy German products, when there are other similar products, Greek or other more environmentally friendly countries, or even when they are not, but the products are not useless if someone doesn’t eat or buy.

In my own world, in conclusion, that I dream, Tolerance, Fear, Totalitarianism of every kind and form and of any ideological bias, indirect or direct, Barbarity of every kind and form, I want to be situations – surprises when they occur, and not be regarded as surprising their absence.

My Lady,

Let me, at this point, to make a small ‚deviation‛. When I write these lines, I am informed by the TV that another co-citizen committed suicide, non-suffering the misery in which the “salutary” “assistance” of your country brought him.

Officially, during the period of Memoranda, the suicide rate, i.e. the killed co-citizens by a policy which leads to modern economic crematoria people like Greeks, in accordance with the logic and strategy of salami, amounted to more than 4,000. Enter the word : “officially”. Because the actual number of suicides i.e. the murdered people, it is said that it greater than that figure.

From time to time, in the past, leaders and other state officials have been driven to the International Criminal Court, for various crimes, which, however, all of them, they had one thing in common: they were crimes against the fundamental human rights and humanity. However, at the moment, fundamental human rights are violated brutally in my country, and I am sure that when the normal conditions are restored, Hague will have a lot of work. What is worse is that a massive genocide is in process, so massive as that which sent a Serbian President to Hague, and much more massive than the 1000 innocent victims of chemical weapons in Syria which reacted the “sentiments” of the great superpower, the United States, the President of which spoke, in a televised broadcast, about “an attack against human dignity”. However, it is of more importance if the human dignity ultimately is affected by chemical weapons in the context of a civil war, in spite of the fact that in a peaceful period in the context of a euphemistically called “political survival” of a people, this “rescue” requires the disappearance of human dignity and also human victims? A policy of genocide can be manifested in various forms, under various policies, not necessarily just from policies based on racial purity.

When a foreign Force, formally Troika, but essentially, for not hiding behind our finger, your country, my Madam, imposes upon another country, upon Greece, policies which lead not only to a humanitarian crisis in the sense of economic misery, but leading human beings beyond the limits of the humanly physiological tolerances to commit suicide, then this “suicide” resembles to those unfortunate fellow citizens during the junta, again here in Greece, who, not standing the torture of dictatorship, they dived into the gap to find “serenity” because the conditions they were living were worse than the fear of death which appeared like a redemption. In the case of my country, there are in my understanding all the conditions that the Memorandum policy you imposed upon us to be regarded as “an attack on human dignity”, with all the elements of genocide using economic violence and inhuman and illegal economic instruments (“arms”).

My Lady, I hear, I read your statements that in the case of Greece your are informed without interruption from the reports of Troika. But, if this is the only you are doing, then this will reduce the work of a leader at the level of the work of an accountant, therefore, because I think that you are a leader and not an accountant, I also think that you are not only informed by the accountants of Troika, particularly by the accounting books for what is happening “down there”, that is to say, here in Greece. As a leader of a large country, and much more like a country that aspires to have a leading role in Europe, if not the sole leading role, which also seeks to have the legitimacy of a country – law, both internally and externally, then, as opposed to the example of the Minister for Finance of your country, you will be interested in learning about a series of indicators of humanitarian interest. The bad thing is, however, that I do not hear you often talking about these indicators, what they mean for you (I mean always political, rather than individually: I have no doubt that in your very personal moments sometimes you cry), and in particular, in addition to what they mean, what direct and effective policies as response to humanitarian crisis you demand, moreover, when you demand something (notice: I am not on the logic of charity!) and much more than that, when the policy you enforce upon my country is considered, not unjustly, as a policy which by definition aims to produce humanitarian crisis, through misery which is the most visible target of this policy.

My Lady,

The “high” standard of living of Greeks which was diagnosed by Troika to justify the theft and looting of their income and assets that would follow, is another terrible lie, a similarly crappy propaganda. The Greek employed people, in the private and the public sector, as regards their work, they rank among the more and harder workers compared with their European colleagues of “Western” Europe (to differentiate them from the former “Eastern” Europe) and of the lowest paid. Simultaneously, Greeks were traditionally conservative people as consumers and it took great effort and similar propaganda to be persuaded to come out of the traditional (and “regressive”) consumer conservatism, and start using consumer cards, consumer credits, take mortgage loans covering even the 100% of the value of the property, which would have been unthinkable earlier, begin to do more than just depositing in banks, but “investing” in shares, bonds, etc. Banks had to call surprised citizens, even during the evening hours, or to send letters, that there already existed in their name a pre-accepted consumer loan, fresh, already available the next day, or a ready credit card had already been issued in the name of the client with a generous credit limit and the client could go shopping or meet urgent needs (e.g. illness, support the studies of their children, change the old furniture in their home with new, going on holiday, go to a fish restaurant and pay with the credit card). The Bank of Greece, yes, the Bank of Greece, offered to the unsuspecting average citizen, who simply listened to the government to encourage him to “invest” in the stock market, making even forecasts for the path of the index ( ! ), to borrow through the commercial banks for market shares, and a group of “experts” was making an entire nation to speculate! At the same time, none of these things was worrying Europe, and when I say “worrying” I mean that it could easily intervene, under the name of the “lender” to indicate that the ‚taps‛ of borrowing, then and not today, will be closed gradually, if the Greek economy continued to build on sand. However, all appeared well, as long as money was flowing down along the right lines, here and elsewhere, this is an assumption that I do.

Well, my Lady no!

The standard of living of the average Greek on the day of the invasion of the new Occupation Force in my country, in May 2010, was a standard of living built on work and cry. Those who rely on the private household debt, the economy of the country, let us not forget, is not collapsed by the private but by the public debt and, of course, there is a banking sector whose management was invited to support even the Greek taxpayer in general, but the usual draft horses, employees and pensioners, who also have been the sole until today aim of the policies of Troika. These normal draft horses are the ones who were accused in one way or another for what was wrong in this country. As if, when the Greek State purchased problematic submarines, tanks and planes, the state was distributing ‚commissions‛ to all employees and pensioners. As if the fierce overruns in the budgets of public works were shared between constructors and workers on their job sites, or the distribution of these exceedances were made through the State to all workers of the country. As if, the wasted funds (Europe did not smell anything, of course, as it was sleeping!) were done from the simple worker or for the simple worker. If anyone wants to find living levels generated on the theft and looting public money, on an unimaginable value, certainly, the current public debt of the country is nothing towards it and we must look at the owners of the properties and deposits who owe million or billion of euros, here or abroad.

The Greek employee has never been an obese. Obese was and continues to be misery, which calls “obese” each middle class citizen whose head -i.e. what head, his nose only is protruded from the mud of the poverty in which it strives to hold him, because this condition is the one that serves to process of fat accumulation of poverty, this situation is supported “scientific” from a miserable technocracy with so called “scientific” arguments. The crappy propaganda against the “obese” Greek workers and pensioners and of the small and medium-sized class in general, was designed to forgive and to operate as an excuse that would strengthen the indeed obese misery which, here and abroad, over time, surplus public money actively or passively. And it is not coincidental that the Memorandum does not in any way affect the order of the real obese, although for the sake of its own survival of this order, a few members, preferably those that are already “inactive”, business or political, will serve as Iphigenia so as to escape the pretexts of “objectivity” and “justice”. Moreover, the same Memoranda foresee other crimes to be paid by the employees and pensioners. Does the public revenue fall outside because tax evasion is not punished? The bill, we know, goes to employees and pensioners. Competitiveness goes wrong? The bill goes to the employees of the private sector. This is a misery! The “justice” of the Memoranda is the same of that of “justice”, which condemns e.g. a woman who has been raped while acquits the rapper!

The average domestic dog in Germany is enjoying more rights and care for the level of its prosperity, from the rights and the responsibility for the standard of living, and not prosperity!- which are being accepted by the Memoranda for the Greek, namely, your government Madam.

I assume that if a German is denounced that he abused his dog, that he does not give food to it or even worse, he leads it to death because of the incomplete grooming, then I am sure that the awareness of the average German but even the German Justice, perhaps even your own government, would rush to condemn the human monster and to defend the innocent animal.

A! My Lady! How do I envy the domestic dogs in your country!


The German citizen is bombarded by a lousy propaganda in your country, the purpose of which is to stimulate the sense of excellence, not only economic, but I dare say, mainly of moral excellence; against other peoples of Europe, and to be convinced that the other people are living around as interference to the detriment of him, they are fed sipping blood, the blood of the “honest”, “labor” and “regulated” middle-class German citizen, the average German taxpayer.

The German citizen should not forget that the current prosperity comes from events and situations in Europe which go far back. To stick back to the period after the II World War, its current prosperity began to be based on the following day of the war when the winning forces and their allies, including Greece, applied to Germany policies which were not aimed at stifling the German economy, on contrary, they aimed at giving ample time and space to develop the country’s economy and to rebuild from the ruins which were not set by someone else. Not only within, but also across Europe. My personal view? They did well because they had to do so. In my own mind and my own perception of things, the predatory punishment of people, and not only that, but the simple punishment of a nation, is located outside any views I have on what sanctions should be imposed on a country as a result of unintended and unprovoked disaster that has caused in other countries and peoples, and which, however, should be imposed. In my perception, before the citizenship e.g. “German”, there is the status of “Human”, and the last one precedes the first. This is not self-evident and does not apply to all. For example, the policy that you imposed upon my country, my Lady, has clearly the characteristics of predatory punishment of an entire nation, and this is sufficient to treat this policy as worthy of outright perception. Then, to come back to post-war Germany, your country paying its debts as much as it could and when it could, Europe gave in Germany an honorary position in Europe which since then has started to create the great experiment for the consolidation, economic and policy, a process which gradually was distorted, particularly since the Treaty of Maastricht, when in essence, indirectly at the beginning, but very effectively, the prospect of political unification went away, while what has become priority was an economic governance model, a “market” entity which in any case does not constitute a challenge of policy, let alone the state entity, however, which essentially converts the single economic area of Europe in a single business market area, and the whole of Europe and the Member States to “business” and “operational” partners, to the logic of economic governance of a large company, where not only the social State and the political state, resemble to situations “uneconomic” and as such, should be substituted by the logic and the policies of economic governance of any large company. In this process of distortion of the original vision of European unification, Germany plays a leading role, and after a certain point, a hegemonic. Today, or rather, for many years, everything in what is euphemistically called “European policy”, particularly in the monetary field, is a policy which almost exclusively supports the German interests putting the economies of other countries – members of the eurozone in the service and the disposal of the German economy. In such a way, the foundations of the current living standards of the German people were laid, and at the same time, there is no doubt that, with their own efforts.

Regarding the ‘burden’ of German taxpayers in dealing with the Greek crisis, the taxpayer should not forget that:

First, before talking about the “burden” of, it would be good to tell us first how many taxes was asked to pay extra for those who have paid, for the assistance of Greece. The answer is: none!

Secondly, if there is any remaining unpaid old debt to our country, and how much it is.

Thirdly, at least so far, Germany has received tens of billions cash, hot money.

The “assistance” of Germany to Greece does not rely on the taxation of its citizens, but on loans received on preferential treatment in order to lend them to us keeping a considerable difference in interest rates. In addition, even if today Greece puts off its debt to Germany, as long as the Memoranda are in effect, it is not going to lose anything in long-term, because it can seize the Greek national wealth and public revenue.

It is not by chance that all the taxpayers of Europe, whose countries participate in the support program of Greece, the one who is yelling more, the one who begs more, it is the one who, so far, has not been disbursed neither a euro from his pocket, and there is no doubt that if any “accident” happens in the repayment of the Greek debt, it is Germany which in the only long-term will not lose, as long as is in force the colonial style Memorandum that your government has imposed upon my country. Therefore, addressing to the taxpayers, with all due respect, I say that they should be more informed, and I’m staying in this loose wording.

If Germans believe, along with them the allies of the North, that this crisis is a particular case of the southern Member States of the Union, they are wrong. From looting in South, and based on what I have started analyzing in this letter i.e. in Greece, some crumbs will fall short to the average German citizen. If they think that all this fuss which happens today, if they believe that this whole mess with the “Greek case” is for a debt and an economy that does not reach even the 3-4% of GDP in the European Union, Greece, Cyprus, and Portugal are nothing more than the backdoors built to let enter the neo-liberal policy with the largest claims of “success” in the much more “fertile” and “obese” economies of the Central and Northern Europe. The bulimia of neo-liberalism, it would be funny if we were to say that it would be possible to be saturated with the Greek or Cypriot or the Portuguese economy.

The “mansioned lunches and dinners”, my dear German citizen, will not take place here, unfortunately for you, and ultimately, unfortunately, for the two of us. There will be where there is a really large public and private wealth. Here in my country, whatever measurements of our wealth can be done, it is not merely a fraction of your own. Just when you think that the whole world speaks for a sweet home, how to pillage it, when there are castles filled of wealth, elsewhere, such as at your country? The lean beef exists elsewhere. You can take a look at the size of the national and private wealth, how it is distributed in Europe as a whole, to see where it is the ultimate goal. Or you think that the euphemistically called “national interest” is actually “national”; You think that liberalism is a “national ideology”, a German one or a Greek one or anything else? The policy that is currently sweeping Europe, the neo-liberal policy, does not have national characteristics, when they are not referred to, but it refers to it because it must use as a truck a strong preferably country – a basis, since the concept of “state”, of “state borders”, “nation”, the “national interest”, are concepts which are incompatible with the ideology of, and even hostile concepts. Liberalism would be successful if there were no Member States, if there was a world government, and this why? Because it wants to diffuse the global wealth in the population of the world? not of course! Simply, it is inherent in its ideology, the request that the wealth must be concentrated in the hands of few large interests. And when it says “few”, my dear German, simple employee and pensioner, it does not mean “few people”, but few private elite, both here and in your country. Therefore, whatever you think that today favors the “national” and through this your personal interest, tomorrow you will find that you’ll be the next victim of this policy, which will “visit” you with exactly the same reasons and with the same arguments and the same barbarism as it “visited” us here.

My Lady,

At this point I would like to close my letter. I would like to say more, but the extent of this letter makes it doubtful if it finds any form or other media to the hosted.

I want my Lady, I fervently hope that I can go out in the assessments made for the policy of your country, its role in Europe and in my country.

However, on the basis of the assessments of the above issues from my part, I insist on what I said in this letter. It is true, I think that Germany, I mean the policy of the German government, as the solvent agent of the unsafe European unity, I consider your policy as dangerous for the democratic, social and political European achievements, and I estimate that if something does not destroy your policy, Germany will be the country that would ultimately break if not destroy the European Union as we know it today, and with 2-3 other North countries will make real the Europe of two or three tiers, it will make real the Europe of 2/3 which would leave “quiet” the other 1/3 which can go to meet its future under your iron leadership -again.

I do belong to those, my Lady, who believe that the convergence of national objectives and goals has no prospect if this convergence is not considered as fairly beneficial to all parties, and it is in the interest of all those who feel that if their interests by their participation in an essentially “German” Europe would not be met to withdraw.

In Europe, my belief is that the European Union in its present form and ideology, has no prospect. There are deep differences of not only economic interests, but it is becoming more and more obvious that there are deep cultural differences, almost incompatible at the moment. Perhaps it would be in the best interest of all, if the alliances were set again and perhaps two European associations, with different institutions and different currencies would take the place of the current status. Two “Unions”, where one, that of North, will be structured on the basis of the laws of the market and of economic governance, as you are seeking of, and another which would make it as a primary objective, within a short period of time, to become a uniform political and state entity, because if this is not done there is no reason to talk about anything else, apart from a common market, a union of markets, nothing more, nothing less.

In Greece, in summarising, the objectives of Berlin is the creation of “people – slave” because slavery is the only and less unavowed “dream” for the creation of a “special economic zone” in Greece. Of course, in the design of this type, there are not only designers, but people who is “designed” by others. Unfortunate for the policy of the Memoranda, especially this people, in the culture, in its cultural DNA, bending in front of the boss is an unknown meaning. Of course, there are those who do not follow the Greek cultural and historical tradition, but their names are stigmatized in the consciousness of Greek people, they are stigmatized in the interpretation which is given by the people in its history, an interpretation much more accurate than the interpretations of “performers” who tend to glorify whatever people condemn. Very soon, my Lady, the Greek people will give the answer to the projects of your policy, in the most resounding way and under all legal means, such as its culture and its constitution requires in Article 120, par. 4 orders any Greek citizen : “Observance of the constitution is entrusted to the patriotism of the Greeks who shall have the right and the duty to resist by all possible means against anyone who attempts the violent abolition of the Constitution.” Note the words: “have the right and the duty” and “all possible means” … My Lady, I am obliged by the Constitution to fight against your presence here. And as far as the type of “means”, the Greek Constitution with wisdom refers in general “all possible means”, leaving obviously the issue of selection to other provisions of national law (such as those of the Criminal) and of international law, where the means of (individual and collective) defense are related to the type and the severity of the attack. It is within these patriotic framework where the response from all the people will be given, at the same time that you make your plans, here, other negating projects are being prepared. And let me remind you that as many times here in our country you were involved as the Conqueror, the defeat was, and will be even now, the only certain outcome. The “Greek playground” is quite “rough” for any “group”. Greek people will not be “put in order” for being brought in new “camps” where “work liberates”. Greeks will resist. The Germans in Greece during the period 1941-1944, and of course their beings here, called the National Resistance as a “gang”, “murderers”, and other similar. You know, time is coming where if you are not characterized in this way, then, perhaps the other characterization is “traitor” of your own home. Because, in the above example e.g. which was the “gang” and which was not, it was then clear, as it was evident when the last tenant of the Chancellery was buried in remains on 30 April 1945. You know, what is of more importance for me is that in contrast to the period of 1941-1945 where there were few Greeks ready to cooperate with the Occupying Force, in today’s Greece, I am almost sure that there will be no Greek, in particular no politician who, in the critical moment, would turn his back to the Greek people, his people.


Vasilis D. Chasiotis


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