, 2015 by Siggurdsson
Contemporary painting (artist unknown) of the battle of Adrianople, 1205
Courtesy of paradoxplaza-decline-fall-of-roman-civilization
(Unless otherwise indicated, all illustrations are courtesy of Wikipedia)
Courtesy of paradoxplaza-decline-fall-of-roman-civilization
(Unless otherwise indicated, all illustrations are courtesy of Wikipedia)
Today's spotlight on military history shines on a little known conflict in the aftermath of the sack of Constantinople in the "Fourth Crusade." [Readers wishing to read about that incident should see my two previous posts from April of 2013: siege_of_constantinople and Part II entitled fall_of_constantinople] The victorius Western forces and their Venetian allies divided the shrinking East Roman Empire between them, but still sought to expand their possessions, and to prevent surviving Byzantine forces from recovering what the Westerners had fought for.