
Δευτέρα 11 Μαρτίου 2013


Divisioni SS numerate ma di breve esistenza [modifica]
Era già prevista la formazione di altre sette divisioni ed i loro nomi erano già stati assegnati ma a seguito della disfatta e della capitolazione della Germania durarono poco, solo sulla carta.
39. SS-Gebirgsdivision "Andreas Hofer"[23]
Su questa unità si hanno poche notizie, ma sappiamo che il suo impiego bellico avvenne nei territori carsici, tra il Tirolo austriaco, la Slovenia e il Carso. L'organico era costituito da quattro reggimenti (Suedtirol, in seguito ridenominato Bozen, Brixen, Schlanders e Alpenvorland) formati da tirolesi, italiani e sloveni, che ebbero occasione di scontrarsi con formazioni partigiane, soprattutto quelli jugoslavi di Tito, lungo il vecchio confine italo-jugoslavo e, in modo particolare, nel mese di marzo, nella provincia di Gorizia.
L'origine di questo reparto deriva, almeno in parte, dalla "Gebirgsbrigade Alpenvorland", la quale traeva il suo nominativo dalla denominazione assegnata ai territori del Trentino-Alto Adige dopo l'annessione al Reich tedesco avvenuta nel tardo 1943, i cui elementi a loro volta provenivano dalle scuole militari Gebirgsjägerschule der Waffen-SS (Neustift/ Tirol) e SS-Gebirgs-Kampfschule (Predazzo/ Dolomiten).
41. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS "Kalevala"[23][24]
Questa unità programmata si sarebbe dovuta costituire, verso la fine della seconda guerra mondiale, usando persone di stirpe ugro-finnica o appartenenti ai Schutzmannschaft (battaglioni di polizia ausiliaria) estoni e livoni.
Il nome "Kalevala" fu scelto prendendo spunto da un poema epico di Elias Lönnrot scritto nella metà dell'Ottocento.
42. SS-Division "Niedersachsen"
43. SS-Division "Reichsmarschall"
44. SS-Division "Wallenstein"
45. SS-Division "Waräger"

Altre divisioni SS [modifica]

Mentre, a seguito della disfatta e della capitolazione della Germania, ci furono altre divisioni che furono attivate ma non ebbero assegnate un numero:


Kalmucken Kavallerie Korps

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"Kalmucken Kavallerie Korps"
Simbolo del Corpo d'Armata della
Kalmucken Kavallerie Korps"
Descrizione generale
Attivaautunno 1942-8 maggio 1945
Nazionebandiera Germania
Flag of Kalmykia.svgCalmucchia
AlleanzaPotenze dell'Asse
ServizioWaffen SS
Tiporeparto di cavalleria e fanteria
DimensioneCorpo d'armata
Guarnigione/QG3.438 alla metà del 1944
Battaglie/guerreFronte orientale (1942-1945)

Ελληνες, Κύπριοι καὶ νεολιθικοὶ μεσογειακοὶ ἀγρότες ἐξάπλωσαν τὴ γεωργία μέχρι τὴ Σκανδιναβία..

Αναρτήθηκε από τον/την visaltis στο Μαρτίου 8, 2013
Η γεωργία εξαπλώθηκε στην Ευρώπη πριν από χιλιάδες χρόνια από το Νότο έως τον μακρινό Βορρά, με διαδοχικά μεταναστευτικά βήματα, σύμφωνα με μία νέα σουηδο-δανική επιστημονική έρευνα. Η μελέτη ανέλυσε το DNA τεσσάρων σκανδιναβών αγροτών της νεολιθικής εποχής και διαπίστωσε ότι είχαν πολύ περισσότερα κοινά γονίδια με τους σημερινούς Νοτιοευρωπαίους, όπως οι Έλληνες, οι Κύπριοι και οι κάτοικοι της Σαρδηνίας, παρά με οποιοδήποτε άλλο ευρωπαϊκό λαό. Οι ερευνητές των πανεπιστημίων της Ουψάλα, της Στοκχόλμης και της Κοπεγχάγης, με επικεφαλής τους Πόντους Σκόγκλουντ και Ματίας Γιάκομπσον, που δημοσίευσαν τη σχετική μελέτη στο αμερικανικό περιοδικό «Science», σύμφωνα με το Γαλλικό Πρακτορείο και το «Nature», ανέλυσαν, με νέες εξελιγμένες τεχνικές, το γενετικό υλικό που πήραν από σκελετούς ενός αγρότη και τριών κυνηγών – συλλεκτών, οι οποίοι βρέθηκαν στη Σουηδία και χρονολογούνται πριν από περίπου 5.000 χρόνια. Οι δύο διαφορετικοί πολιτισμοί, ο γεωργικός και ο κυνηγετικός – συλλεκτικός, συνυπήρχαν επί περίπου 1.000 χρόνια σε απόσταση περίπου 400 χλμ., ο πρώτος στη σουηδική ενδοχώρα και ο δεύτερος στη νησί Γκότλαντ νότια της Στοκχόλμης.
Συγκρίνοντας το DNA αυτών των ανθρώπων της Λίθινης εποχής με το DNA σύγχρονων πληθυσμών της Ευρώπης, οι ερευνητές βρήκαν ότι, από γενετική άποψη, οι μεν κυνηγοί – συλλέκτες, που ήσαν οι λιγότερο εξελιγμένοι, είχαν μεγαλύτερη συγγένεια με τους βόρειους λαούς, ιδίως τους σημερινούς Φινλανδούς, ο δε αγρότης είχε πολύ στενή γενετική συγγένεια με τους σημερινούς Μεσογειακούς κατοίκους, ιδίως τους Κύπριους και τους Έλληνες.

XV SS-Kosaken Kavallerie Korps

XV SS Cossack Cavalry Corps

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The XV SS Cossack Cavalry Corps was a German cavalry corps during World War II. With order of February 1, 1945 the Corps was transferred to the Waffen-SS.[1]



[edit] History

The summer of 1942 marked the high tide of German success in the East. In October 1942 the Germans established in the Kuban a semi-autonomous Cossack District and were now in the position to recruit Cossacks from these areas, the POW camps, and defectors from the Red Army. Of the latter, the most significant was the desertion of an entire Red Army regiment (Infantry Regt. 436) which, with all officers, went over to the Germans on August 1941. Its commander, Major I.N.Kononov, was a Don Cossack. He had a distinguished career in the German service, ending the war as Major General in the XVth Cossack Cavalry Corps under the command of the German General Helmuth von Pannwitz.[citation needed]
Already in May 1943 Pannwitz was given authorization to create a first Cossack Division consisting of two brigades which trained throughout the summer in Mława (Mielau), north of Warsaw. The division was then not, as it had hoped, sent to fight the Red Army, but instead it was ordered, in September 1943, to proceed to Yugoslavia and fight Josip Broz Tito's partisans. The Cossacks took part in several major offensives against the Partisans including Operation Rösselsprung, the attack on Tito's headquarter in Bosnia from which Tito evaded capture only by the narrowest of margins. During the summer of 1944 the two brigades were upgraded to become the 1st Cossack Cavalry Division and 2nd Cossack Cavalry Division. From the beginning of 1945, these divisions were combined to become XVth Cossack Cavalry Corps.[citation needed]
By the end of the war, the SS took control of all foreign units within the German forces. The Himmler file in the Imperial War Museum contains a record of a conversation which occurred on August 26, 1944, between Himmler, General von Pannwitz, and his Chief of Staff, Colonel H.-J. von Schultz. An agreement was reached that the Cossack divisions, soon to be the Cossack Corps, would only be placed under SS administration in terms of replacements and supplies. However, by February 1, 1945 the corps was transferred to the Waffen-SS. Despite the refusal of General von Pannwitz to enter the SS, the corps was placed under SS administration and all Cossacks became formally part of the Waffen-SS.[2]
General von Pannwitz chose to accompany the Cossacks when they were repatriated by the British to the Soviet Union after the surrender, and was executed in Moscow in 1947. With him most of the Cossack officer corps also went to the gallows or would disappear into the labour camps. The mass of the enlisted members of Cossack Corps were also repatriated and sent to the labour camps of the Soviet Union.[citation needed]