
Σάββατο 24 Μαΐου 2014


Η Ευρώπη της ύφεσης, των χρεών και της ανεργίας ψηφίζει.
Η προεκλογική προπαγάνδα στα μεγαλεία της.
Η τρομοκρατία των διλημμάτων επιμένει να μας κρατά φυλακισμένους σε μια άλλη πραγματικότητα.
Τελικά αντιλαμβάνομαι το εξής απλό: Δε θέλουμε να αλλάξουμε. Ή δεν μπορούμε, έτσι πως μας κατάντησαν.
Ούτε η Ευρώπη της ανεργίας δείχνει ότι θέλει να γράψει ιστορία.
Οι πολίτες της μπορεί, αν και γι αυτό αμφιβάλω με τόσες φασίζουσες συμπεριφορές, αλλά οι ηγέτες της σίγουρα δε θέλουν.
Εμείς, ως Έλληνες πολίτες, τι θα δείξουμε αύριο το βράδυ στις 3 κάλπες?
Είμαστε έτοιμοι, λέτε?

Gang Raping, "I Love Al-Qaeda" and Who Is Advancing Islam? A Month of Islam in Europe: April 2014

The American Embassy in Prague is financing a new project aimed at promoting Islam in public elementary and secondary schools across the Czech Republic.
The new law removes the requirement that there must be a special reason to sue for defamation or insult. Swedish thought police will be able to prosecute anyone who expresses an opinion about Muslim immigration and much else if that opinion is deemed to be defamation or slander. The Swedish government is also spending 60 million krona ($9 million) to boost voter turnout in Muslim neighborhoods.
"The influx of immigrants is reaching biblical proportions. Italy is fighting a losing battle." — Admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi, Head of the Italian Navy
In Austria, police say they believe that two teenage girls who vanished from their homes in the capital of Vienna on April 10 may be in Turkey, and that whoever helped them get there is using them as pin-up girls to boost recruitment efforts for the "holy war" in Syria.
Friends of Samra Kesinovic, 16, and Sabina Selimovic, 15, said the girls had become radicalized after attending a local mosque run by a Salafist preacher, Ebu Tejma, and learning about the duty of every Muslim to participate in jihad. The girls were expelled from school after inscribing "I Love Al-Qaeda" on tables and walls.
But the girls' parents—originally Bosnian refugees who settled in Austria after the ethnic conflicts of the 1990s—say that messages and photographs posted on social media networks which claim that the girls are on the front line and fighting with their new husbands are fake.
In a possible break in the case, Austrian police say they traced a phone call Samra made to her sister in late April to a landline based in Turkey. The search for the girls continues.
At least 100 Austrian citizens or residents have participated in the fighting in Syria, according to Austrian media. Approximately 40 of them are currently on the front lines, 44 have already returned to Austria and 19 have been killed in action.

Dutch Jihadists in Syria Pose Threat to the Netherlands

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Many Moroccan youths in the Netherlands have "no education, no prospects and are barely supervised. They are a ticking time bomb." Mustapha Abbou, former Labor Party councilor in the city of Eindhoven.
The age of Dutch jihadists is decreasing constantly and the number of women in this group is growing.

Decapitation, Morality Squads and "Five-Star Jihad"

A Month of Islam in Britain: April 2014

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The number of so-called taxi-rapes has snowballed to such an extent that a British judge recently issued a warning that no woman can expect to be safe while travelling in a cab.
Ibrahim Munir, an exiled senior leader of the Muslim Brotherhood now living in Britain, when asked violence would be an option, replied, "Any possibility."
"Do I have to change my religion to get the best [banking] deal?" — Lloyds Bank customer, quoted in The Daily Telegraph.

U.S. Becomes Chief Enabler of Christian Persecution

"We are looking for the bishop of this church to slaughter him -- we are tired of the existence of this church near our mosque and the noise they are making." — Church elder quoting Muslims who attacked a priest, Zanzibar.
"Muslims wanted to punish [him]...because he had recently organised a demonstration against violence in Islam." — Local priest of a murdered Christian, Bangladesh.
"O people of the Scripture [Christians]. Do not exceed the limits of your religion....Cease! It will be better for you...." — Koran, 4:171, Billboard in Nazareth, Israel.
Human rights organization Open Doors published its 2014 World Watch List in January, highlighting and ranking the top 50 nations that persecute Christians. The overwhelming majority of countries making the list—and nine of the top-ten worst offenders—are Muslim, and include nations from among America's allies (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait) and its contenders (Iran); from among economically rich nations (Qatar) and poor nations (Somalia and Yemen); from among "Islamic republic" nations (Afghanistan), "democracies" (Iraq), and "moderate" nations (Malaysia and Indonesia).
The report also indicates that every Muslim nation that the U.S. has helped "liberate," including during the "Arab Spring," has become significantly worse for Christians and other minorities. Previously moderate Syria is now ranked the third-worst nation in the world in which to be Christian, Iraq fourth, Afghanistan fifth, and Libya 13th. All four receive the worst designation in the ranking process: "extreme persecution."

Libya: The Islamization of Universities

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The new prime minister of Libya, Ahmed Maiteeg, is supported not only by the Muslim Brotherhood, but also by the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, listed as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the U.S. Department of State.
Islamist militias are now dictating their agenda to the academic authorities in Libya.
Under the monarchy and the former Gaddafi regime, university courses were attended jointly by male and female students. Now, however, things are changing, as the "new Libya" moves backwards.
Recently, the academic authorities of the University of Omar al-Mokhtar, in Derna, a terrorist stronghold in eastern Libya, signed an agreement with a local Islamist militia aimed at the construction of a wall meant to segregate male from female students within the campus. The agreement also calls for the introduction of a strict dress code for female students, including the loose abaya over-garment and the hijab, covering the head and chest.
A section of the gender-segregation wall being built at the University of Omar al-Mokhtar, in Derna, Libya.
Building the wall at the University comes after two years of pressure by Islamist militias in the city of Derna: extremists denounced the University, weapons were introduced inside the campus and death threats were made to professors and students. Many professors have consequently, left Derna and are looking for jobs in Benghazi or Tripoli.

Britain's Two Set of Books

We are trying to live our lives in our nation while running two sets of accounts. On one side of the ledger -- as on the BBC page -- are the facts that are happening. On the other side is the recounting of punishments for those who have identified the facts.
Britain is in the midst of a breakdown. It comes from trying to live a double-life. As with everybody who leads such a life, at some stage it will inevitably crack under the stress of its own contradictions.
Take just one day's worth of news on the BBC website this past week. On one side of the page was the headline: "Tory candidate quits over homophobic and anti-Islamic tweets." On the other side of the page was a headline about the alleged Islamist take-over of schools in Birmingham and the North of England.
The first article involves a council candidate who retweeted several tweets that someone could potentially have deemed offensive. As usual in modern Britain, the likelihood is that nobody actually did find them offensive, but that someone decided that someone else might find them offensive, and therefore decided to get rid of the culprit. For what it is worth, the "homophobic" tweet consisted of a lame joke asking: "How CAN a gay guy keep a straight face?" Not the best gag in the world, but sure as anything not the precursor to some anti-gay pogrom, nor, in any sane society, a matter to cause a resignation.

Germany: Islamists Infiltrating Schools in Hamburg

Germany: Islamists Infiltrating Schools in Hamburg

The document warns that increasing numbers of students in Hamburg are being influenced by Islamist propaganda and are embracing radical Islam and idolizing jihadist fighters in Syria.
The problems in Hamburg are drawing renewed attention to the alarming growth of Salafism in Germany. Salafists openly state that they want to replace democracy in Germany (and the rest of the world) with a Sunni Islamic government based on sharia law.
Muslim radicals are imposing Islamic norms and values in primary and secondary public schools in Hamburg, the second-largest city in Germany, say school officials, who are asking for stepped-up monitoring of the Salafist groups thought to be behind the Islamization efforts.
At least 25 schools across Hamburg are believed to have been infiltrated by Salafists and other fundamentalist Muslim groups, according to German media reports. But local politicians from the ruling Social Democratic Party (SPD)—a party committed to enforcing multiculturalism in Hamburg—have refused to disclose precisely which schools are affected.

US Government Promoting Islam in Czech Republic

Critics say the project’s underlying objective is to convert non-Muslim children to Islam by bringing proselytizing messages into public schools under the guise of promoting multiculturalism and fighting “Islamophobia.”
The group recently ran an advertisement promising to pay 250 Czech korunas ($13 dollars) to any student aged 15 to 18 years who would attend a two hour presentation about Islam.
More recently, Muslims in the Czech Republic have tried to ban a book they say is Islamophobic, and have filed a ten-page criminal complaint against its formerly-Muslim author.

The Czech government has approved a new project aimed at promoting Islam in public elementary and secondary schools across the country.
The project—Muslims in the Eyes of Czech Schoolchildren—is being spearheaded by a Muslim advocacy group and is being financed by American taxpayers through a grant from the US Embassy in Prague. (The US State Department is also promoting Islam in other European countries.)
The group says the Czech Ministry of Education has authorized it to organize lectures and seminars aimed at “teaching Czech schoolchildren about Islamic beliefs and practices” and at “fighting stereotypes and prejudices about Muslims.”
But critics—there are many—say the project’s underlying objective is to convert non-Muslim children to Islam by bringing proselytizing messages into public schools under the guise of promoting multiculturalism and fighting “Islamophobia.”

Multiculturalism: What Happened to Responsibility?

Far too many interfaith cultural dialogue sessions have focused on the appeasement of immigrant groups while ignoring human rights abuses from their foreign countries of origin; abuses which many immigrants have accepted as the norm and often seek to protect in an effort to sustain the dignity of their group identity.
“This loathsome term [Islamophobia] is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliché, conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.” — Abdur-Rahan Muhammed, former member of the International Institute for Islamic Thought.
The real answer lies in the recognition that multiculturalism to promote equality was enshrined in the UN Declaration of Human Rights … it has provided a sound definition of values, which Western nations need to be unapologetic in advancing.
Multiculturalism is engrained in the Canadian constitution—as well as in the constitutions of many European nations. The Canadian Multiculturalism Act states that all are equal under the law regardless of their race, national or ethnic origin, color, or religion. Canada was the first country in the world to legislate national multiculturalism. Under this policy, all citizens “can keep their identities, can take pride in their ancestry and have a sense of belonging.” Citizens also “have the freedom to preserve, enhance, and share their cultural heritage,” and “full and equitable participation of individuals and communities of all origins in all aspects of Canadian society” is promoted. Diversity in Canada is deemed a national asset, and although its constitution allows all citizens equal rights and freedoms, it also requires “equal responsibilities,” a factor that has been overlooked.

Σ. Χάντινγκτον, το πνεύμα της «σύγκρουσης»

ΧάντινγκτονΣτη δεκαετία του 1990, όταν η νέα Τάξη Πραγμάτων, ήταν το νούμερο ένα θέμα στη διεθνή ατζέντα, η θεωρία του Σάμιουελ Χάντινγκτον περί συγκρούσεως των πολιτισμών άγγιξε ευαίσθητες χορδές. Ο Αμερικανός καθηγητής Πολιτικών Επιστημών, που δίδαξε επί 58 χρόνια στο Χάρβαρντ, πέθανε σε ηλικία 81 ετών αφήνοντας μια σειρά θεωρητικών αναλύσεων που δίχασαν και προκάλεσαν.
Το πιο διάσημο έργο του με τίτλο «Η σύγκρουση των πολιτισμών και ο ανασχηματισμός της παγκόσμιας τάξης» (στα ελληνικά από τις εκδόσεις Terzo) κυκλοφόρησε το 1996 και συζητήθηκε όσο λίγα. Σύμφωνα με τον Χάντινγκτον, ο κόσμος χωριζόταν σε πολιτισμικές ζώνες βάσει θρησκείας και κατ’ επέκταση κουλτούρας. Η Χριστιανική Δύση χωριζόταν από το Ισλάμ με ένα βαθύ ρήγμα, θεωρία που αναδείκνυε τις ρίζες της θρησκείας ως σημαντικότερες από την επίδραση των ιδεολογιών. Ο «συντηρητικός» Χάντινγκτον (που πολλοί θυμήθηκαν στις 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2001) βρισκόταν στον αντίποδα του «προοδευτικού» Αμερικανο-Παλαιστίνιου Εντουαρντ Σάιντ, ο οποίος με τη διάσημη θεωρία του περί «Οριενταλισμού» κατηγορούσε τους Δυτικούς για προκατάληψη.