Α)Hitler’s Shameful Death: The Fuhrer’s Unheroic Final Moments

In May 1945 when Hitler’s death was announced by its Nazi propagandist, it was made to look like the German warlord died a hero. According to the Hamburg radio station’sannouncement, Hitler fought against Bolshevism to his last breath. But details about his final moments revealed Hitler died a shameful death.
Instead of dying as a warrior, Hitler was forced to commit suicide due to the defeat and humiliation he was faced with. He is alleged to have died in his bunker by either biting a cyanide capsule or shooting himself in the head. He was responsible for the deaths of millions of persons across Europe.

After Hitler’s shameful death, Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz took over his place claiming he was chosen by the Fuhrer to become his successor. This was much to many people’s surprise as Heinrich Himmler, the chief of SS was the one many thought would be replacing Hitler.
told the people he was taking over leadership and that his priority was
to save the German people. But the war was over for Germany as they
surrendered on May 4 to Field Marshal Montgomery.
With Hitler gone in a shameful death, well known Nazi propagandist and one of Hitler’s close lieutenant – Joseph Goebbels killed himself and his entire family a day after the Fuhrer’s death. Goebbels first arranged for his six children to be to be killed by his dentist by injecting them with morphine. An ampoule of cyanide was then crushed into the mouths of the children who were already unconcious. After killing his children, Goebbels and his wife committed suicide at the Reich Chancellery.
In the town of Demmin, about nine hundred people committed mass suicides out of panic. With rumours of rape and executions spreading around, many residents and refugees acroos the country also took their lives by hanging, drowning, cutting their wrists, or shooting themselves, the Express reports.
Germany, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini who sided with Germany
during the war was captured and killed as he attempted to escape a few
days before Hitler’s shameful death, Express reports.
After Hitler’s shameful death, many of his loyalist were arrested and tried for war crimes. Some of them were Admiral Doenitz, as well as SS chief Heinrich Himmler who commited suicide at the age of 44 while serving his jail term. Lord Haw Haw, an Irishman born in America and a Nasi propaganda radio show presenter was arrested, tried and hanged at London’s Wandsworth Prison in January 1946.

Giles Milton – Surviving History
formalities were kept brief. The couple declared themselves to be of
pure Aryan descent and free from hereditary disease. Then, having given
their assent by simple word of mouth, they were pronounced man and wife.
the afternoon of that same day, Hitler had his favourite Alsatian dog,
Blondi, destroyed with poison. His two other dogs were shot by the
sergeant who cared for them.
he was still alive as dawn broke the sky on 30 April and he continued
to receive military reports on the situation across Berlin. At 2pm, he
ate lunch with his two secretaries.
then address the little group. ‘It is finished,’ he said. ‘Goodbye.’ He
led Eva back into their private rooms for the last time. Soon
afterwards, a single gunshot was heard.
‘Suddenly there is the sound of a shot,’ wrote Gertrud Junge, ‘so loud, so close that we all fall silent.’
‘That was a direct hit,’ said Goebbels. ‘The Fuhrer is dead now.’
Braun’s body, too, was taken outside. One of those carrying her corpse
noted she was wearing a blue summer dress made of real silk and that her
hair was artificially blonde.
before midnight, as Soviet troops neared the perimeter of the bunker,
the two charred corpses were tipped into a bomb crater and covered with
Source: http://surviving-history.blogspot.nl/

In May 1945 when Hitler’s death was announced by its Nazi propagandist, it was made to look like the German warlord died a hero. According to the Hamburg radio station’sannouncement, Hitler fought against Bolshevism to his last breath. But details about his final moments revealed Hitler died a shameful death.
Instead of dying as a warrior, Hitler was forced to commit suicide due to the defeat and humiliation he was faced with. He is alleged to have died in his bunker by either biting a cyanide capsule or shooting himself in the head. He was responsible for the deaths of millions of persons across Europe.
After Hitler’s shameful death, Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz took over his place claiming he was chosen by the Fuhrer to become his successor. This was much to many people’s surprise as Heinrich Himmler, the chief of SS was the one many thought would be replacing Hitler.
With Hitler gone in a shameful death, well known Nazi propagandist and one of Hitler’s close lieutenant – Joseph Goebbels killed himself and his entire family a day after the Fuhrer’s death. Goebbels first arranged for his six children to be to be killed by his dentist by injecting them with morphine. An ampoule of cyanide was then crushed into the mouths of the children who were already unconcious. After killing his children, Goebbels and his wife committed suicide at the Reich Chancellery.
In the town of Demmin, about nine hundred people committed mass suicides out of panic. With rumours of rape and executions spreading around, many residents and refugees acroos the country also took their lives by hanging, drowning, cutting their wrists, or shooting themselves, the Express reports.
After Hitler’s shameful death, many of his loyalist were arrested and tried for war crimes. Some of them were Admiral Doenitz, as well as SS chief Heinrich Himmler who commited suicide at the age of 44 while serving his jail term. Lord Haw Haw, an Irishman born in America and a Nasi propaganda radio show presenter was arrested, tried and hanged at London’s Wandsworth Prison in January 1946.

Giles Milton – Surviving History
The news could scarcely have been bleaker for Hitler and his inner circle.
Soviet army was within a few hundred yards of the fuhrer’s famous
Berlin bunker and its capture was only a matter of time. The nearby
Schlsischer railway station had already been seized. The Tiergarten was
also in Soviet hands and the important tunnel in the Vossstrasse was
rumoured to have been occupied. Hitler knew that the Third Reich was
entering its final chapter.
In the small hours of 28-29
April, 1945, he summoned a loyal official named Walter Wagner into his
private conference room: Wagner’s position as city administrator gave
him the right to officiate at wedding ceremonies. Hitler declared that
he and his long-term mistress, Eva Braun, were to be married
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Hitler in 1945: desperate | Eva Braun in 1945 |
newlyweds walked out into the corridor, where they were congratulated
by Hitler’s faithful secretaries, Gerda Christian and Gertrud Junge.
all sat together for several hours, drinking champagne and talking of
happier times. The conversation then took a more depressing turn as
Hitler spoke of his impending suicide. National Socialism, he said, was
dead. It would never be revived. His resolve to kill himself was given
fresh impetus by news that he received early in the morning of the
29 April. He learned that Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci had
been executed by partisans and strung from their feet in Milan’s market
place. ‘I will not fall into the hands of an enemy who requires a new
spectacle to divert his hysterical masses,’ said Hitler.
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Gertrud Junge: lived until 2002 |
Hitler then distributed
cyanide capsules to his secretaries for use in extremity. He expressed
his regret at not giving them a better parting gift, adding that he
wished his generals had been as reliable as them.
evening, long after dark, the officers and ladies who lived in the Outer
Bunker were informed that Hitler wished to say goodbye to them and that
no one was to go to bed.
The summons came at half passed two
in the morning: some twenty loyal servants assembled as Hitler emerged
from his private quarters to say his farewells. He then returned to his
rooms; everyone felt that his suicide was imminent.
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Russian troops enter Berlin |
His SS adjutant,
Sturmbannfuhrer Guensche was meanwhile fulfilling the fuhrer’s orders to
acquired 200 litres of petrol; the reason why he wanted the fuel was as
yet unknown.
When Hitler had finished lunch, he emerged from
his private quarters accompanied by his wife. Another farewell ceremony
took place, this time with Bormann, Goebbels and others. Eva embraced
Gertrud Junge and said, ‘Take my fur coat as a memory. I always like
well-dressed women’.
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The sofa where Hitler died: copyright Life. |
‘Suddenly there is the sound of a shot,’ wrote Gertrud Junge, ‘so loud, so close that we all fall silent.’
‘That was a direct hit,’ said Goebbels. ‘The Fuhrer is dead now.’
little group who had gathered in the corridor lingered a few minutes
before entering Hitler’s private room. Hitler himself was lying on the
sofa, drenched in blood. He had shot himself through the mouth.
Eva Braun was also sprawled on the sofa. A revolver was by her side but she had not used it: she had swallowed poison instead.
SS men were summoned to the room, among them Hitler’s servant Heinz
Linge. They wrapped the Fuhrer’s body in a blanket and carried it into
the courtyard.
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The crater where Hitler was buried |
The two bodies were doused
in the petrol that had been delivered earlier that day and then set
alight. A small group of mourners stood to attention, gave the Nazi
salute and withdrew to the bunker. In the background, the deep boom of
the Soviet artillery lent a theatrical touch to the scene.
petrol had to be poured on the corpses because they would not burn
properly. Even after many hours, when the flesh had melted away,
Hitler’s blackened shinbones were still visible.
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Shot out bunker |
According to Russian reports, the bodies were later
exhumed by the Soviet troops who captured the bunker and taken to
Magdeburg in East Germany. It was in Magdeburg that Hitler’s body was
finally destroyed in April 1970 by the KGB, more than a quarter of
century after his suicide.
Yet even that was not quite the end
of the story. Two fragments of his body, the jawbone and skull, were
preserved as grisly relics.
They were last displayed in an exhibition at the Russian Federal Archives in Moscow in April, 2000.Uk paperback |
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