From the perspective of etymology, the term ‘grenade’ was most probably derived from Old French ‘pomegranate’ (possibly influenced by Spanish granada) circa 1590 AD, since the fruit resembles the fragmented-form of the weapon. As for the historical side of affairs, grenades in their rudimentary designs were probably used in the 8th century AD Eastern Roman armies, with Greek Fire concoctions sometimes being stashed inside pots and jars, to be thrown at enemies.
Credit: Diego Barkan, Israel Antiquities Authority
As for the hand grenade in question here, the embellished metal-made bomb-like item probably harks back to the period circa 13th century AD, thus coinciding with the time-frame of the Crusaders, Ayyubids and early Mamluks. The military forces of this time possibly used some variation of an inflammable substance, including a combination of materials like naphtha, pitch (obtained from coal tar), sulfur and resin – for their grenades. On the other hand, a few scholars believe that as opposed to chemical warfare, these ‘grenades’ only had ornamental purposes for storing perfume.
Credit: Diego Barkan, Israel Antiquities Authority.
The finds include a toggle pin and the head of a knife from the Middle Bronze Age from more than 3,500 years ago [see above]. The other items, among them, two mortars and two pestles, fragments of candlesticks, and so on, date to the Fatimid period. The items were apparently manufactured in Syria and were brought to Israel.Lastly beyond the scope of the treasure trove accumulated by Mazliah, the occurrence of shipwrecks around the coastal regions of Levant could be attested by a fascinating find in May of this year. Touted to be the largest hoard of marine-based objects in the last 30 years in Israel, IAA announced that the treasure stash contained both bronze statues and coins, along with other assorted stuff. And interestingly enough, the discovery was made quite by chance when two divers identified the remains of the ancient ship and reported back to the authorities.
Credit: Amir Gorzalczany, Israel Antiquities Authority.