So let's look at some of the things we on the Remain side said would happen, and which were all dismissed as the scaremongering of Project Fear.
- -Παράδοση (140)
- Αμερική-Η.Π.Α (148)
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- Ιατρικά (384)
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- Ιστορικά (9668)
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- ση (2)
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- Σημαντική Ανάρτηση (199)
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- Φιλοσοφία (336)
- Χ.Α. (748)
- ΧΑ (1)
Δευτέρα 27 Ιουνίου 2016
Boris Johnson looked sick - because he has no idea how to fix the national disaster he's bequeathed us
So let's look at some of the things we on the Remain side said would happen, and which were all dismissed as the scaremongering of Project Fear.
Nazi Germany: The Lippisch P.13a Mach 2.6 range & fuelled by coal
As conventional fuels were in extremely short supply by late 1944, Lippisch proposed that the P.13a be powered by coal. Initially, it was proposed that a wire-mesh basket holding coal be mounted behind a nose air intake, protruding slightly into the airflow and ignited by a gas burner.
The last desperate attempts by the Luftwaffe to stop the Allied bomber streams were exemplified by the demand: fighters, fighters, fighters – quick and simple to build, cheap and from easily accessible materials, small dimensions, superior speed compared to enemy escort fighters and firepower. Nearly all aircraft manufacturers and designers in the Third Reich put designs to paper along these lines. Even Dr. Lippisch’s ideas during the last year of the war fit into this concept. Of his numerous variants, the Lippisch 13a was actually given serious consideration.
Referendum fought on ‘democracy’ to see nation get Prime Minister no-one voted for
As David Cameron announced he will stand down before the Conservative conference in October, a new prime minister that none of us chose will now make all the really important decisions that should frighten any normal person.
The preliminary bombardment began for the battle of the Somme.
years ago the preliminary bombardment began for the battle of the
Somme. French and British artillery would continue firing for 7 days,
hoping to break through the German defenses and shatter their morale.
With over 1.5 million shells fired the expectation was that their would be no opposition when the men marched across No Man's Land on 1 July, but the Germans were able to hold their position in dug-outs and the barbed wire remained largely intact.
With over 1.5 million shells fired the expectation was that their would be no opposition when the men marched across No Man's Land on 1 July, but the Germans were able to hold their position in dug-outs and the barbed wire remained largely intact.,
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