Αναρτήθηκε από τον/την olympiada στο Μαρτίου 13, 2012
Βλέπε σήμερα “Δελτία Πατάτας”
Από την Σοφία Τ.
Η Ιστορία επαναλαμβάνεται. Οι κατακτητές πιο ύπουλοι αυτοί την φορά. Περιμένουν να πούμε ευχαριστώ που μας… βοηθούν! Και πάλι είναι από την ίδια χώρα, την Γερμανία, και πάλι έχουν δηλητηριάσει ΚΑΙ τον λαό τους με το μίσος τους για την ευημερία των λαών και την Ελλάδα, που στάθηκε εμπόδιο τότε. Και πάλι ονειρεύονται τον ξεριζωμό μας από την γη των προγόνων μας. Νέα δελτία ψωμιού εκδίδονται στην κατεχόμενη Ελλάδα. Οι Ναζί αποκτούν το δικαίωμα να ταξιδεύουν δωρεάν με τον ηλεκτρικό σιδηρόδρομο. Φαγητό με το δελτίο είναι το όνειρό τους και σήμερα. Το είπαν «οι Έλληνες δεν έχουν κάνει αρκετές θυσίες». Υπάρχει και το παράδειγμα της Κατοχής άλλωστε στο μυαλό της γερμανικής κυβέρνησης. Τα δωρεάν μεταφορικά τα έχουν και οι πολιτικοί μας… Μια διαπίστωση είναι αυτή…
The Eastern Roman Empire (later known as the Byzantine Empire, and also known at the time as Romania, Roman Empire and روم (Rûm "Rome")) is a continuation of the Roman Empire in the east. centred on its capital of Constantinople, and ruled by Emperors in direct succession to the ancient Roman Emperors. The Empire preserved Romano-Hellenistic traditions, but due to the increasing predominance of the Greek language, it became known to most of its western and northern contemporaries usually as the Empire of the Greeks.
$256.8 Trillion
5.136 Trillion Dn
1.284 Trillion Au
$120,000 per person
2400 Dn per person
#1 in the world
Slavery Rate
Foundation : 21 April 753 BCE (0 AUC)
Constitutionalization : 509 BCE (244 AUC)
Imperialization : 16 January 27 BCE (726 AUC)
Reunification : 21 September 1066 CE (1819 AUC)
Denarius (Dn) Aureus (Au) Sestertius (HS)
92.3% Roman Christianity
3.6% Judaism
1.6% Islam
0.3% Atheism
2.2% Others
Mainland Europe up to the Ural Mountains; British Isles and Iceland; Anatolia; Coastal Middle East; North Africa; Saharan Africa; East African Coastline; North West Africa; OTL Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana and Madagascar; OTL India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan; OTL Australia and New Zealand; OTL Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay and East Venezuela; OTL Lesser Antilles, Puerto Rico and Hispaniola; OTL Bahamas and Turks and Caicos; US West Coast up to Michigan and Missouri line.
The Roman Empire (La: Imperium Romanum) or Senate and People of Rome is an autotheocratic constitutional monarchy covering a third of the planet. The most powerful sovereign state in the modern world and the largest and oldest country in history, Rome controls part of every continent and shares borders with all recognized countries. It is the only country justifiably called a global state.
The Imperium was founded with its capital, Rome, along the Tiber by the eponymous Romulus in 753 BCE. Shortly thereafter, the city came under the control of Etruscan kings. The last one, Tarquinius Superbus, was overthrown by Brutus of the Junii clan in 509 BCE. This event formed the Republic.
The Roman Republic's history was tumultuous, defined by long periods of unrest and dictatorship. But it upheld the democratic principles on which it was established until a general named Gaius Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River into Italy in 49 BCE. His actions plunged the Republic into civil war. Fighting did not end until 27 BCE. Rome was reborn from the fire like a phoenix into a magnificent new entity, the Roman Empire.
Rome's new empire experienced numerous wars in the last two millennia, and has not lost one. But the state almost met its downfall in the Second Civil War, seeing it split in twain. The upheaval ended with the combination of the papal and imperial thrones in 1066 CE. The power of this autotheocracy has ensured the persistence of the Imperium under its leader's nearly absolute religious and civil authority.
No country in history compares to the modern Imperium. It has control over land, air and space that is unmatched by states on this Earth or nearly any alternate Earth. The Caesar's domain encompasses a third of the planet's surface, and a fourth of the human race. In 1837, Alexander XIV reportedly told a Muscovite ambassador, "I am called the most powerful monarch in the world. The sun never sets in my dominion."
On June 20, 451, the Huns and the Romans fought a massive battle in Gaul (now called France). Neither side won definitely, but the Hunnic Invasion of Gaul was stopped. But what if Aetius had not convinced Avitus to get help from the Gaullish barbarians? This ATL explores the possibility of the Hunnic Empire becoming the new Rome.
"...Andrew Knytling was, by all accounts, a cautious, compromising ruler, just what the Empire needed. With the civil war finally over, he spent most of his early rule strengthening the devastated areas and rebuilding the army, and (largely successfully) restoring relations with all the Tzardoms and splinter Empires that got a taste of independence during the long civil war. It was during his reign that the Mongols first invaded Europe and the Middle East, and then went into direct conflict with the Empire. Many border states and provinces were threatened, but Andrew chose not to get too committed, preserving his army instead for the time the Mongols would attack some truly important centres. In the end, the Empire lost parts of Syria and the Black Sea steppe, but overall remained intact. Afterwards, the relations with the sons of Hulegu improved and the Mongols and the Byzantines signed an alliance against the Muslim powers and the Blue Horde; the final war, however, went badly for the Ilkhanids, and was likely to also go badly for the Byzantines, had it not been for Khan Berke’s sudden death, likely through the assassination ordered by Boris Monomach, the Shadow Emperor who increasingly took over functions of government from ailing Andrew. The two lines were joined by marriage to the Knytling Emperor’s only daughter.
In 516, the Byzantines attempted to seize Cycaes, the capital of the Kingdom of Cycaenae. Their invasion was a total failure, and the draining of Byzantium's resources led to a reverse invasion. The Cycaenaens then invaded Byzantine lands throughout the rest of the 500s.
Originally known as the Roman Empire, it started out as a Republic in -11000 (11660BCE). During the time of the Romans, it fought against a whole bunch of tribes, mainly the Germanic tribes and the Persian tribes. Throughout most of it's history (as well as during at least 2/5ths of during the Byzantine Empire) it focused mainly on expansion. It's expansion ended around 2179 (1519CE), when they finally gave up due to the desert heat in Afurika. Later, it played an important part during the World Wars, as the lands it had in Afurika and Ajia were difficult for the Enemy Powers to invade into thanks to the desert heat and lack of cities and towns in those areas. After the 3rd World War, it begin to focus more on industrialising it's lands within Afurika and Ajia, as well as exporting petroleum to the rest of the world. As of 2661 (2001), it is looked at as a potential Superpower thanks to it's economy, well trained military, and it's exports that helps keep most of the world running.
Hellenic Kingdom of ByzantiumByzantium
Timeline: Seven Roman StatesOTL equivalent: Turkey
Flag of Hellenic Kingdom of Byzantium
Motto Για την Ρώμη, Εσωτερικών, και Ομορφιά (Greek)
"Lamprí̱ Elli̱nismoú"
Largest city:
Roman Catholic Christianity
Ethnic groups:
Turks, Slavs, Armenians
Type of government:
Constitutional Monarchy
Grand Council
Byzantium (Greek: Βυζάντιον, Byzántion; Latin: BYZANTIVM), officially the Hellenic Kingdom of Byzantium and of the Greeks and Romans, is a microstate located in South Eastern Europe on the Bosphorus Strait. It encompasses the natural harbour known as the Golden Horn, in the East of the country. It is surrounded by Bulgaria on one side and by Turkestan on the other, across the Bosphorus. Its area is 5.2 km2 (Roughly 2 sq mi) with an estimated population of almost 24,000.
Byzantium is the smallest yet the richest Greek-speaking country in the world. It is the only predominantly Greek-speaking country not to share a common border with Hellas. The country has a strong financial sector located in the capital, and has been identified as a tax haven. It is a member of the Roman Union but curiously is the only member nation to use its own currency, rather than the Roman Solidus. Byzantium is today a popular tourist resort, with a 'tourism district' that comes complete with hotels, clubs, and flower gardens.
Tourism accounts for most of the nation's economy, with as many as 600,000 tourists from foreign countries passing in and out of the charming, quiet, microstate every year.
Khaganate of KhazariaKhazar Khaganate
Timeline: Byzantine KhazariaOTL equivalent: Russia, Ukraine
Coat of Arms
Byzantine Orthodoxy
Ethnic groups:
Type of government:
The Khazars were a semi-nomadic Turkic people from Central Asia who dominated the Pontic steppe and the North Caucasus from the 7th to the 10th century. The name "Khazar" seems to be tied to a Turkic verb form meaning "wandering".
In the 7th century, the Khazars founded an independent Khaganate in the Northern Caucasus along the Caspian Sea. Although the Khazars were initially Tengri shamanists, many converted to the Abrahamic faiths through interaction with the Byzantine Empire and successive Islamic caliphates; during the 8th or 9th century, the Khaganate adopted Judaism as the state religion. At their height, the Khazars and their tributaries controlled much of what is today southern Russia, western Kazakhstan, eastern Ukraine, Azerbaijan, large portions of the Northern Caucasus (Circassia, Dagestan), parts of Georgia, and the Crimea.
Early Khazar history is intimately tied with that of the Göktürk empire, founded when the Ashina clan overthrew the Juan Juan in 552 CE. It is known that in 515-516 Hunnic-savirs attacked Armenia. The widow of the Hunnic-Savir prince Bolakh Boariks concluded a peace with Byzantine in 527. Worth of notice is the fact that in 529 Prince Khosrau I of the Persian Empire fighting the social movement led by the Zoroastrian priest Mazdak forced numerous Jewish families that supported the movement to flee the country north of Caucasus Mountains. In 552 a western-Turkic khaganate is mentioned led by khagan Tumyn (or Tumen) out of the Ashina clan. There are some speculations that the Western portion of the Göktürk empire in the west became to be known as Avars. During that time there is mentioning of Savirs' and Khazars' attacks on Caucasus Albania.
The first significant appearance of the Khazars in history is their aid to the campaign of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) emperor Heraclius against the Sassanid Persians. The Khazar ruler Ziebel (sometimes identified as Tong Yabghu Khagan of the West Turks) aided the Byzantines in overrunning Georgia. A marriage was even contemplated between Ziebel's son and Heraclius' daughter, but never took place. During these campaigns, the Khazars may have been ruled by Bagha Shad and their forces may have been under the command of his son Buri-shad.
With the collapse of the Göktürk empire due to internal conflict in the 7th century, the western half of the Turkic empire split into a number of tribal confederations, among whom were the Bulgars, led by the Dulo clan, and the Khazars, led by the Ashina clan, the traditional rulers of the Gok Turk empire. By 670, the Khazars had broken the Bulgar confederation, causing various tribal groups to migrate and leaving two remnants of Bulgar rule - Volga Bulgaria, and the Bulgarian khanate on the Danube River.
During the 7th and 8th centuries the Khazar fought a series of wars against the Umayyad Caliphate, which was attempting simultaneously to expand its influence into Transoxiana and the Caucasus. The first war was fought in the early 650 and ended with the defeat of an Arab force led by Abd ar-Rahman ibn Rabiah outside the Khazar town of Balanjar, after a battle in which both sides used siege engines on the others' troops.
A number of Russian sources give the name of a Khazar khagan, Irbis, from this period, and describe him as a scion of the Göktürk royal house, the Ashina. Whether Irbis ever existed is open to debate, as is the issue of whether he can be identified with one of the many Göktürk rulers of the same name. Several further conflicts erupted in the decades that followed, with Arab attacks and Khazar raids into Kurdistan and Iran. There is evidence from the account of al-Tabari that the Khazars formed a united front with the remnants of the Gok Turks in Transoxiana.
Khazar overlordship over most of the Crimea dates back to the late 7th century. In the mid-8th century the rebellious Crimean Goths were put down and their city, Doros (modern Mangup) occupied. A Khazar tudun was resident at Cherson in the 690s, despite the fact that this town was nominally subject to the Byzantine Empire.
They are also known to have been allied with the Byzantine Empire during at least part of the 8th century. In 704/705 Justinian II, exiled in Cherson, escaped into Khazar territory and married Theodora, the sister of the Khagan Busir. With the aid of his wife, he escaped from Busir, who was intriguing against him with the usurper Tiberius III, murdering two Khazar officials in the process. He fled to Bulgaria, whose Khan Tervel helped him regain the throne. The Khazars later provided aid to the rebel general Bardanes, who seized the throne in 711 as Emperor Philippicus.
The Byzantine emperor Leo III married his son Constantine (later Constantine V Kopronymous) to the Khazar princess Tzitzak (daughter of the Khagan Bihar) as part of the alliance between the two empires. Tzitzak, who was baptized as Irene, became famous for her wedding gown, which started a fashion craze in Constantinople for a type of robe (for men) called tzitzakion. Their son Leo (Leo IV) would be better known as "Leo the Khazar".
Numerous wars between the Khazars and the Arab caliphs raged during the eighth century, but seemed to stabilize in 758, when the Abbasid Caliph Abdullah al-Mansur ordered Yazid ibn Usayd al-Sulami, one of his nobles and military governor of Armenia, to take a royal Khazar bride and make peace. Yazid took home a daughter of Khagan Baghatur, the Khazar leader. Unfortunately, the girl died inexplicably, possibly in childbirth. Her attendants returned home, convinced that some Arab faction had poisoned her, and her father was enraged. A Khazar general named Ras Tarkhan invaded what is now northwestern Iran, plundering and raiding for several months. Thereafter relations between the Khazars and the Abbasid Caliphate (whose foreign policies were generally less expansionist than its Umayyad predecessor) became increasingly cordial.
Wars with the Kievan Rus eventually threw the Khazars into decline. By the 900's, the Kievan Rus had restricted the Khazars to Ukraine and Crimea, all that remained of traditional Khazaria. The Arab caliphate had broken up by this point, and the Seljuk Turks were beginning their migrations westward.
The Rus warlords Oleg and Sviatoslav I of Kiev launched several wars against the Khazar khaganate. The Schechter Letter relates the story of a campaign against Khazaria by HLGW (Oleg) around 941 (in which Oleg was defeated by the Khazar general Pesakh); this calls into question the timeline of the Primary Chronicle and other related works on the history of the Eastern Slavs. Sviatoslav finally attacked Ukraine in the 960's. The Khazars, however, hired Bulgar mercenaries and fought back, prompting their allies, the Norse of Novgorod, who had recently united into the Russian Principality of Novgorod.
The death of Sviatoslav in battle against the Khazars marked the fall of the Kievan Rus. Due to his death and the murder of his alleged heirs, the Kievan Rus quickly broke apart, degenerating into minor states and kingdoms. Having achieved victory over the Rus, the Khazars returned to Khazaria.
Although weakened due to the attacks of both Vikings from Kievan Rus and various Turkic tribes, the Khazars managed to survive more or less intact through the 1000's. The Seljuk Turks, meanwhile, reached the borders of the Byzantines, and attacked both Armenia and Georgia in 1064. They invaded the Byzantine Empire in 1068, from which the Turkmen annexed all of Armenia and eastern Anatolia; Alp Arslan's decisive victory at the Battle of Manzikert (in 1071) effectively neutralized the Byzantine threat to his claims.
The Byzantines, meanwhile, absorbed the Georgian states to better combat the Turks; for the first time in history, the Greeks shared a direct border with the Khazars.
By the time Alexios I of Byzantium had ascended the throne, the Seljuks had taken most of eastern Asia Minor. Alexius was able to secure much of the other Anatolian regions by campaigning a series of defensive movements against the Turks, but was unable to recover any lost territory. As early as 1090, Alexios had taken reconciliatory measures towards the Papacy, with the intention of seeking western support against the Seljuks. In 1095 his ambassadors appeared before Pope Urban II at the Council of Piacenza. The help which he wanted from the West was simply mercenary forces and not the immense hosts which arrived, to his consternation and embarrassment, after the pope preached the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont later that same year. Not quite ready to supply this number of people as they traversed his territories, the emperor saw his Balkan possessions subjected to further pillage at the hands of his own allies. Alexios dealt with the first disorganized group of Crusaders, led by the preacher Peter the Hermit, by sending them on to Cilicia, where they were massacred by the Turks in 1096. Although the fall of the Khazars is generally remembered as a peaceful annexation, some engagements did take place. In the above picture, the last Khazar Khagan is depicted with loyalist Khazars attempting to break the Byzantine siege of his final stronghold.
The second and much more formidable host of crusaders gradually made its way to Constantinople, led by the Holy Roman emperor and other important members of the German nobility. Many of the other Western medieval kingdoms were at the time paralyzed by various expansionist wars and unwilling to send troops. Alexios used the opportunity of meeting the crusader leaders separately as they arrived and extracting from them oaths of homage and the promise to turn over conquered lands to the Byzantine Empire. Transferring each contingent into Asia, Alexios promised to supply them with provisions in return for their oaths of homage. The crusade was a notable disappointment for Byzantium, as the Turks were able to destroy it and capture the German emperor.
Checked by the failure of the Crusade, the Byzantines turned their attention away from the Turks and, with the Crusading spirit in Western Europe broken, began focusing their attention elsewhere. First, Alexios used a considerable amount of diplomatic and military pressure to stabilize his western borders. He then turned his attention to the Khazars.
The conquest of Khazaria was done swiftly and with an impressive amount of little bloodshed. Crimea was the first to be completely absorbed, as the Khazar governor was bribed by the Greeks to join them and cede Crimea to them. As a reward, he was appointed Duke of Crimea. In the following years, all of the Khazar commanders in Ukraine had received offers to join the Byzantine ranks for considerable amounts of gold, corrupting the military and crippling the Khazars' ability to resist Byzantine conquest, accomplished through diplomacy instead of warfare.
With Crimea in Byzantine hands, the last Khazar Khagan attempted to raise his army to retake the region but was unsuccessful. Instead, finding his generals deserting him, he retreated to a castle in eastern Ukraine and refused to come out. After a week of siege, the Byzantines convinced the Khagan he could only profit by surrender. Indeed, the Khagan was allowed to retain control of Khazaria as a Byzantine-appointed governor. Thus, by 1114, the Khazars had quietly ceased to be as an independent nation.
The Khazars remained content under Byzantine rule, but the Eastern Orthodox Church began a series of religious reforms across Khazaria, bringing in Greek clergymen from Georgia to help convert the population. The Khagan was the force behind several plots against Alexios, however, ensuring his downfall. Frustrated with his growing unwillingness to cooperate with Constantinople, the emperor stripped him of his command and committed the ultimate insult: Turning over the title and office of governor to a common Black Khazar.
The would-be Khagan was then sent to fight a Bulgar tribe in the north, where he was taken prisoner. Alexios refused to pay the demanded ransom and the last of the Khazar rulers was executed by a Bulgar Khan as a warning to future Byzantine incursions into their territory.
Khazaria was rich in wax, honey, and animal hides, which the Khazars traded in Constantinople for glass, spices, and silks. The Khazars were favored for their tough and skilled horsemen, many of which were trained by the Byzantines in Crimea to police Khazaria's borders with the Bulgars. Depending mainly on local militia troops, the Byzantines were able to hold Khazaria without fear of overextending themselves.
The Byzantine Empire (or Byzantium) was the eastern division of the Roman Empire which survived well after the fall of Rome, centered around its capital of Constantinople, and ruled by emperors in direct succession to the ancient Roman emperors. During its medieval existence of more than a thousand years, the Empire remained one of the most powerful economic, cultural, and military forces in Europe, despite setbacks and territorial losses to the Turks and Arabs.
The Empire recovered during the Comnenus dynasty, rising again to become a pre-eminent power in the Eastern Mediterranean by the late eleventh century, rivaling the Fatmid Caliphate of Egypt. Despite more losses to the Seljuks, the empire began to concentrate on its northern borders. By the 1400's, it had underwent a massive transformation into one of the largest nations in Europe, with the conquest of much of Russia. Byzantine rule extended from Syria in the east to Switzerland in the west, and ushered in a new golden age remembered today as the 'Glory Years of Great Byzantium'.
Byzantia is a republic and successor state to the Eastern Roman Empire. Constantinople, its largest city and capital, is one of the largest cities in the world, and is seen as one of the most cosmopolitan and historical cities in the world. In addition to Greeks and Turks, many people from other cultures call Byzantia their home as well.
The Second Byzantine Empire is a state covering most of Anatolia and the Greek peninsula. A federal state composed of the Province of Hellas, Province of Turkey, and the Imperial Capital Province, the Second Byzantine Empire has been upheld as an example of successfully uniting two ethnic groups under one federal government.
The Greeks tend to refer to the Empire as the "Roman Empire" or as "Romania", similar to what the inhabitants of the First Byzantine Empire called themselves and their nation. The Turks, on the other hand, prefer "Byzantine Empire" or "Turkey". Internationally, the country is most commonly referred to as "Greece" or "Byzantium".