
Τρίτη 13 Μαρτίου 2012

Eastern Roman Empire (Ard Marjhoola)

Eastern Roman Empire (Ard Marjhoola)

Eastern Roman Empire Βασιλεία τῶν Ῥωμαίων Timeline: Ard Marjhoola
Flag of Byzantine Empire (an erroneous title)
Flag of Byzantine Empire (an erroneous title)
Largest city:Constantinople
Other cities:Athens, Thessaloniki, Sparti, Adrianople, Iraklion, Lefkosia, Piraeus, Patras

Eastern Orthodox Christianity (Official)
  others:Judaism, Islam
Emperor:Theodora the Macedonian (Θεοδώρα ὁ Μακεδῶν)
Currency:Solithus, Follis, Half-Follis, Thecanummia, Pendanummia, Nummia

The Eastern Roman Empire (later known as the Byzantine Empire, and also known at the time as Romania, Roman Empire and روم (Rûm "Rome")) is a continuation of the Roman Empire in the east. centred on its capital of Constantinople, and ruled by Emperors in direct succession to the ancient Roman Emperors. The Empire preserved Romano-Hellenistic traditions, but due to the increasing predominance of the Greek language, it became known to most of its western and northern contemporaries usually as the Empire of the Greeks.

During most of its existence the Empire has remained one of the most powerful economic, cultural, and military forces in Europe, despite setbacks and territorial losses, especially during the Roman–Persian and Byzantine–Arab Wars. It would suffer again during the 960's losing its territory on the Italian mainland, and again in the Second Crusade where its border territory would be split up between the Abbasid Caliphate and Crusader States belonging to several European nations. It did however, successfully annex the Bulgarian Empire in 1018 bringing the Balkan Peninsula back under its banner. While the Remnant War would continue in favour of the Crusaders, the Byzantine Empire would see little of its land returned.
Below, a map of the Byzantine Empire in 1025 AD, prior to the Second Crusade.

Ard Marjhoola



Introduction to Ard MarjhoolaEdit

Ard Marjhoola, "the unknown territory" is discovered by Ibn Aswad, who brings back definitive evidence of his claims. While disputed at first, it was enough to promote further voyages into the Atlantic eventually leading to Muslim expansion into the Americas. As a result, the "Caliphate of Córdoba" lasts longer and has more political and cultural clout at the time. A cultural and power war between the Caliphates at the time force several wars and land grabs.

Discovery of Ard MarjhoolaEdit

Ibn Aswad, a Muslim navigator from Córdoba sails from the Old World in 889 AD and ends up discovering new lands. He brings back strange fruit, plants and small animals not previously known. Historians still wonder whether the claims were real, but at the time it was enough to promote further expeditions, leading to the discovery and first colony of South America in 933.

Political effect in Al-AndalusEdit

By 933, Abd-ar-Rahman III the first Caliph of Córdoba was engaged in a number of conflicts, both to the North with Christian nations, and in the South with the Fatimids. As a result of the colonisation of Ard Marjhoola, Rahman III had gained even more followers and legitimacy within the Muslim world; holding onto cities and towns in the North while gaining ground in North Africa with the Berbers he had helped a few years previously.

Battle of SimancasEdit

The Battle of Simancas, from July 19th-21st of 939 was fought between the Caliphate and Ramiro II of León. Ramiro II personally led a counter attack on the 3rd and final day, and was slain by a stray arrow. By the end of the day, Rahman III's troops were victorious and eventually led to León's defeat and integration into the Caliphate. Fernán González of Castile, who once fought with Ramiro II converts to Islam and becomes a regional political figure. With the north finally subdued, Rahman III looks back to Africa.

After Rahman III's reignEdit

After the death of Rahman III, his son Al-Hakam II takes over. Al-Hakam leads greater expansion into Ard Marjhoola; while using the nations navy to prevent rival nations attempts to colonise it for themselves. His rule over Córdoba was a pleasant experience for most, and he brings about various changes in both infrastructure and irrigation mixing European standards with Middle Eastern styles. While known for his homosexuality, his advisers force him into attempting to produce a heir. Hisham II takes over after his fathers death in 976.

Córdobian Civil warEdit

Hisham, while just about old enough to rule himself, decides to bring Muhammad Ibn Abi Aamir who managed his estate into power alongside him anyway. The two, while in competition against each other to lead still managed to bring further successes to the Caliphate, Navarre and Barcelona are annexed. However later on, Muhammad attempts a coop with Berber mercenaries. The coop fails, and Hisham II brings in his own Berber allies to remain in control. Muhammad is captured and quickly executed and his position is handed to the Berber families cementing Moorish-Berber relations. With this political union in place, Berber tribes in North Africa quickly come under the banner of Córdoba.

The Caliphate WarsEdit

With Córdoba becoming so strong, it was no doubt going to raise its enemies head. While still having to deal with Christian Europe, its monopoly of Ard Marjhoola, and solidifying its power with the Berber tribes in North Africa; made a direct assault on the claim of "Caliph" a leadership of one whole nation, not three. The Fatimids, and the Abbasids further afield were now much more aware of Córdoba's power, and that led to a series of conflicts known as The Caliphate Wars. Not only were these conflicts about the three asserting their power against each other, but pushing it as far out as possible towards other nations as well.

Conflicts between CaliphatesEdit

As the political union between the Berber tribes and Córdoba cemented, so did a border between it and its nearest rival, the Fatimids across North Africa. Due to the "Brain drain" on the Fatimid side as skilled workers moved to develop the Berber region, this led to the Córdoba-Fatimid Border War in 1022, a conflict which would be waged on different levels at different times, but ultimately flying in favour for Córdoba. Problems for the Fatimids didn't end there however, on the other side, the Abbasid Caliphate was beginning to realign itself attempting to recreate its past glory in the face of not one enemy but two, broken into a weak position since the Fatimids took over. While on a smaller scale, based largely in the desolate, isolated desert outside of Baghdad, the Abbasids became a thorn in their sides with the Fatimid-Abbasid Border Conflicts.

Rising Religious conflictEdit

Christian Europe was not taking Muslim land gains into their territory lightly. Conflicts from the wars between the rivalling Caliphates were creeping up to France in the West, and through Italy in the Centre and the Byzantine Empire in the East. As a result, numerous "Crusades" were launched to repel Muslim forces. Rumours of Pope Sylvester II, who held the papacy even before the Córdobian Civil war and brought in the Arab numbering system and other inventions; became over exaggerated, and led to trade of goods and technology from Christian Europe to Arab and Muslim traders being blocked and in some regions, a criminal offence.

First ContactEdit

The Caliphate of Córdoba was the first old world nation to formally encounter with the native people of Ard Marjhoola. Previously, rumours of strange, near naked men and women hiding from view when sought out were spread and promoted further exploration to find settlements. Original theories included the possibility of Jinns, or some form of animal. When a small group of Berber Explorers from the old world met with natives and attempted to communicate in 1067 AD, their efforts were rewarded and the two cultures began to learn from each other.

Modernisation ProgramEdit

It didn't take long for Córdobians to realise that the culture they had discovered, hidden away for so long despite its colonisation of the coast was far inferior to its own. Most groups they discovered were nomadic, moving from one place to another, and engaging sometimes in what they believed to be inhumane behaviour such as Cannibalism. The Colonies, while small developed towns of their own by this point, was not sure what effect they could have being in such a strange land.

Colonial CórdobaEdit

Word got back from Ard Marjhoola of the situation between the colonies and of the native people of Ard Marjhoola in 1071 AD. After long rounds of discussions of the Córdobian Caliph and his advisers, it was decided to expand influence and territory in the new world and formally announced the formation of the Emirate of Ard Marjhoola. The Fatimids and Abbasids, when learning of this development, would nominally rename their colonies to a similar stature, although without the manpower and resources to rush expansion leaving Córdoba yet again as the leading Colonial power in Ard Marjhoola.

Timeline (Ard Marjhoola)

Here is a timeline of notable events in the Ard Marjhoola Timeline.
Bold indicate important events, while italics indicate events outside the main sphere of interest of the Alternate History. All years are in AD (Georgian Calendar).



1st Millennium ADEdit

9th CenturyEdit

889: Ibn Aswad leaves Emirate of Córdoba in the old world in search of discovery.
890: Ibn Aswad returns, speaking of new lands. This promotes further exploration, although its believed Ibn Aswad himself never ventures out again.

10th CenturyEdit

909: Fatimid Dynasty is formed, creating a rival Caliphate.
927: Abd-ar-Rahman III of the Emirate of Córdoba announces reorganisation of the state, claiming it as the Caliphate and himself as Caliph, continuing the Ummayad Dynasty.
933: First colony, New Córdoba in Ard Marjhoola.
942: Umm Qasr, second Córdobian colony formed.
950: Rafh, third Córdobian colony formed.
956: Ronda, fourth Córdobian colony formed.
961: Abd-ar-Rahman III dies, is succeeded by his son Al-Hakam II.
965: Emirate of Sicily formed by the Fatimids.
969: Fatimids declare victory over the Ikhshidid Dynasty, Cairo founded as Capital.
976: Al-Hakam II dies, is succeeded by his son Hisham II.

2nd Millennium ADEdit

11th CenturyEdit

1003: Pope Silvester II dies, name will later be tarnished as a result of worsening Muslim-Christian relations.
1004: Córdobian Civil war starts between Al-Hakam and his Chancellor Muhammad Ibn Abi Aamir.
1006: Córdobian Civil war ends with the help of Berber allies to the Caliph. Moorish-Berber Unionification begins.
1012: Pope Sergius IV dies, rumours of "Saracen" involvement in his death will help fan the flames of a holy war on the horizon.
1017: First Crusade Starts, between the Papacy and the Fatimids.
1021: First Crusade ends. Norman state founded between the two rivals of the conflict.
1022: An attempt to find shipbuilders to replace those lost, the Fatimids take control of a border town on the Cordorbian side of the border.
1024: Fatimids produce their first colony on Ard Marjhoola; New Cairo.
1025: High point of the Córdoba-Fatimid Border War in North Africa.
1027: Second Crusade starts, this time against the Abbasid Caliphate. Much longer, deadlier and wide ranging than the previous, it spans many leaders rule.
1032: Pope John XIX who started the Second Crusade; is killed by a mob. Gossip spreads, and theories of "Saracens" inciting the local population to kill him.
1053: Second Crusade ends, with questionable results of success.
1067: Berber Explorers in Ard Marjhoola, make first official contact with Natives; over 130 years after first colonisation.
1071: To promote Córdobian Culture and power, the Emirate of Ard Marjhoola is formally announced.

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