Hermann Göring was an infamous Nazi, his brother Albert a sercret
saviour of Jews and dissidents. William Hastings Burke tells the
remarkable story of two very different brothers

the outskirts of Munich, among gnarled oak trees and sculpted angels,
stands the grave of Albert Göring. I have made a pilgrimage to bid
farewell to this man I never met, yet have grown to know so well. For
three years I have retraced his footsteps, visiting his old haunts,
trying to put a face to the Göring that history has forgotten. The
surname is familiar, thanks to Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring, the
notorious Nazi leader and war criminal. Albert, his younger,
little-known brother, was his antithesis – a Holocaust hero who devoted
himself to saving hundreds of Jews and political dissidents, persecuted
by the very regime his brother had helped to forge.