
Πέμπτη 8 Μαΐου 2014

Χίλαρι: Δεν υπάρχει ανάγκη να συνεχιστεί η διερεύνηση της επίθεσης στη Βεγγάζη.

Η πρώην υπουργός εξωτερικών Χίλαρι Κλίντον σε συνέντευξη στον Robin Roberts του ABC News δήλωσε ότι δεν υπάρχει ανάγκη να συνεχιστεί η έρευνα για την επίθεση στην πρεσβεία των ΗΠΑ στη Βεγγάζη το 2012 με θύματα τον αμερικανό πρέσβη Κρίστοφερ Στίβενς και άλλους τρεις υπαλλήλους της πρεσβείας.

Η Χίλαρι Κλίντον έχει τις αμφιβολίες της για τις προθέσεις των Ρεπουμπλικάνων που ζητούν τη σύσταση ειδικής επιτροπής προκειμένου να διευρενηθεί η υπόθεση.
Οκτώ διαφορετικές επιτροπές του Κογκρέσου έχουν ερευνήσει μέχρι στιγμής το περιστατικό , που κατέχουν πάνω από μια ντουζίνα ακροάσεις και 50 ενημερώσεις καθώς και 25.000 σελίδες εγγράφων .

Ωστόσο οι Ρεπουμπλικάνοι χρεώνουν τον Λευκό Οίκο ότι δεν έχει ακόμη παράσχει μια πλήρη εικόνα του περιστατικού.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says there's no need to continue the investigation of the deadly 2012 Benghazi attack because she's "absolutely" content she knows what happened.

ABC News posted a brief clip of Clinton's interview with Robin Roberts, showing that Clinton has her doubts about the intentions of the House Republicans' drive to have a special committee investigate the attack.
When Roberts asked Clinton if she was "satisfied with the answers" and "content with what you know what happened," Clinton replied: "Absolutely."

"I mean, of course there are a lot of reasons why, despite all of the hearings, all of the information that's provided, some choose not to be satisfied and choose to continue to move forward," Clinton said.

"That's their choice, and I do not believe there's any reason for it to continue in this way, but they get to call the shots in the Congress."

Eight different congressional committees have investigated the incident, holding more than a dozen hearings and 50 briefings and examining 25,000 pages of documents.

But Republicans have charged the White House has yet to provide a complete account of its handling of the incident. Release last week of an email by a top Obama foreign policy aide that seemed to suggest a White House effort to protect the president has refueled the controversy. 

House Democrats have railed at Speaker John Boehner's select committee plan that calls for a GOP majority on the 12-member panel, and have accused the House Republicans of "extreme and counter-productive partisanship" in their investigations of the Benghazi attack.

The issue is likely to remain a flashpoint as Clinton considers a possible White House run. She led the State Department at the time, and Clinton has said Benghazi was her "biggest regret" from her tenure as the top U.S. diplomat.

"It was a terrible tragedy losing four Americans, two diplomats, and now it is public, so I can say two CIA operatives," she said at the National Automobile Dealers Association convention in New Orleans in January. 


Επιμέλεια: Γιώτα Χουλιάρα

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