The Confederados – At the end of the American Civil war 20,000 Confederates immigrated to Brazil, where slavery was legal, and formed a comunity
1865 at the end of the American Civil War a substantial number of
Southerners left the South; many moved to other parts of the United
States, such as the American West, but a few left the country entirely.
The most popular destination for emigrating Southerners was Brazil.
Dom Pedro II of Brazil wanted to encourage the cultivation of cotton.
After the American Civil War Dom Pedro offered the potential immigrants
subsidies on transport to Brazil, cheap land, and tax breaks. Former
Confederate President Jefferson Davis and General Robert E. Lee advised
Southerners against emigration, but many ignored their advice and set
out to establish a new life away from the destruction of war and
Northern rule under Reconstruction.
Many Southerners who took the
Emperor’s offer had lost their land during the war, were unwilling to
live under a conquering army, or simply did not expect an improvement in
the South’s economic position. In addition, Brazil still had slavery
(and did not abolish it until 1888). Most of the immigrants were from
the states of Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, and South
Carolina. Confederate immigrants Joseph Whitaker and Isabel Norris. SourceNo
one has determined how many Americans immigrated to Brazil in the years
following the end of the American Civil War. As noted in unpublished
research, Betty Antunes de Oliveira found in port records of Rio de
Janeiro that some 20,000 Americans entered Brazil from 1865 to 1885.
Other researchers have estimated the number at 10,000. An unknown number
returned to the United States when conditions in the South changed, as
reconstruction ended and the Jim Crow-era began. Most immigrants adopted
Brazilian citizenship.
The immigrants settled in various places,
ranging from the urban areas of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo to the
northern Amazon region, especially Santarém, and Paraná in the south.
Most of the Confederados settled near São Paulo in the area to
the north of it, around present-day Santa Bárbara d’Oeste and Americana.
The latter name was derived from Vila dos Americanos, as the natives called it. The first Confederado
recorded was Colonel William H. Norris of Alabama, who left the U.S.
with 30 Confederate families and arrived in Rio de Janeiro on 27
December 1865. The colony at Santa Bárbara D’Oeste is sometimes called
the Norris Colony.
Pedro’s program was judged a success for both the immigrants and the
Brazilian government. The settlers quickly gained a reputation for
honesty and hard work.The settlers brought modern agricultural
techniques for cotton, as well as new food-crops, that spread among
native Brazilian farmers. Some dishes of the American South were also
adopted in general Brazilian culture, such as chess pie, vinegar pie,
and southern fried chicken.
The early Confederados continued
many elements of American culture, for instance, establishing the first
Baptist churches in Brazil. In a change from the South, the Confederados also educated slaves and black freedmen in their new schools.
few newly freed slaves in the United States emigrated alongside their
Confederate counterparts and in some cases with their previous owners.
One such former slave, Steve Watson, became the administrator of the
sawmill of his former owner, Judge Dyer of Texas. Upon returning to the
USA (due to homesickness and financial failure) Dyer deeded his
remaining property, the sawmill ,and 12 acres, to Watson. In the area of
the Juquia valley, there are many Brazilian families with the surname
Vassão, the Portuguese pronunciation of Watson. House of the first Confederate family in Americana. Source
The first generation of Confederados
remained an insular community. As is typical, by the third generation,
most of the families had intermarried with native Brazilians or
immigrants of other origins. Descendants of the Confederados
increasingly spoke the Portuguese language and identified themselves as
Brazilians. As the area around Santa Bárbara d’Oeste and Americana
turned to the production of sugar cane and society became more mobile,
the Confederados moved to cities for urban jobs. Today, only a
few descendant families still live on land owned by their ancestors. The
descendants of the Confederados are mostly scattered throughout
Brazil. They maintain the headquarters of their descendant organization
at the Campo center in Santa Bárbara D’Oeste, where there is a cemetery,
chapel, and memorial. The State of Paraná was the southern state receiving American immigrants . Source
The descendants foster a connection with their history through the Associação Descendência Americana (American Descendants Association), a descendant organization dedicated to preserving their unique mixed culture. The Confederados also have an annual festival, called the Festa Confederada,
dedicated to funding the Campo center. The festival is marked by
Confederate flags, Confederate uniforms and hoop skirts, food of the
American South with a Brazilian flair, and dances and music popular in
the American South during the antebellum period. The descendants
maintain affection for the Confederate flag even though they identify as
completely Brazilian. Many Confederado descendants have traveled
to the United States at the invitation of the Sons of Confederate
Veterans, an American descendants’ organization, to visit Civil War
battlefields, attend re-enactments, or see where their ancestors lived.
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