long since reduced to ruins, the line of Hadrian’s Wall is still
visible through the countryside of northern England, from Bowness on the
west coast to Wallsend on the east coast. It remains one of the most
impressive and fascinating accomplishments of Rome’s skilled military
engineers. Here are some facts you might not know about the Roman
Empire’s most northerly line of defence.
Building the Wall
Hadrian’s Wall facing East towards Crag Lough – Image by Michael Hanselmann CC BY-SA 3.01
Construction of the wall was ordered in AD 122 by Emperor Hadrian, for
whom it is named. According to his later biographer, he built the wall
to separate the civilised world of the Romans from the barbarians living
beyond it. 2 The idea of a defensive line
running from east to west across northern Britain was influenced by an
existing line of forts , the Stanegate Frontier. But while Hadrian’s
Wall to some extent followed this model, it was built further north. 3
The original plans called for the wall to be 10 Roman feet wide –
around 3 modern metres – all along its length. But while some parts were
built this thick, doing so everywhere proved impractical. In other
places, narrower walls 6 or 8 feet thick were built on foundations
matching the original measurements. At other points, the original
foundations and position were entirely abandoned so that the wall could
be built on higher ground. 4 Like many Roman
construction projects, Hadrian’s Wall was built by soldiers. The three
legions stationed in Britain at the time – II Augusta, VI Victrix and
XX Valeria Victrix – built the wall which they would help to defend. As
in battle, the unit structure of the legions came in handy, and the work
was split into parts that could each be done by a single century of 80
What the Wall was Like
5 The wall was 80 Roman miles long – 117 kilometres or 73 miles in modern measures. 6 It ran along the crests of hills whenever possible, adding to its height. This made it both more imposing and more defensible. 7
Most of the wall was made of stone, but 31 miles of defences at the
western end were originally made of weaker stuff, in the form of
ramparts made of timber and turf. These were replaced over time, one of
the several changes the wall went through in its years of use. 8 The foundations of the wall were cobblestone, even on some stretches where the wall itself was not made of stone. Roman fort and town at Corstopitum viewed along the Stanegate (Wikipedia)9
The stone parts of the wall were built around a core of rubble,
allowing them to be built thickly at relatively low cost. This was
covered in faces of cut stone joined together with lime mortar, for a
solid finish. 10 To make the wall even more
intimidating it was whitewashed. The white painted stone, therefore,
stood out against the surrounding landscape, a clearly manmade feature,
and one that the people living to the north could never have imagined
building for themselves.
11 We don’t know how tall
the wall originally was – too much of its height was lost in later
centuries for us to see it at its most intimidating. 12
We also don’t know for certain whether there were battlements and a
walkway along the wall for soldiers to patrol and watch for threats to
the north. Hadrian’s system along the German frontier used walls without
walkways that simply provided a barrier to anyone wanting to pass
through, and the same may have applied here. Even so, fortresses and
watch towers would have allowed sentries to keep watch to the north. 13
Small forts were built at every Roman mile along the length of the
wall. Between each pair of these ‘mile castles’ were two smaller
turrets. 14
The ‘mile castles’ varied in design depending on which legion built
them. They had an average internal area of around 18 square metres (60
square feet). Each one included a gateway to the north and one facing
south, allowing people to travel through the wall at these forts. Each
northern gate was topped with a tower for extra defence. 15 Other forts were added over time on or close to the wall, to house the men stationed there.
Life on the Wall
Picture by Wendy Mann via Flickr Creative Commons16
Soldiers from all over the empire served on Hadrian’s Wall – a record
from an inspection in the 90s AD shows that Dutch and Belgian troops
were currently stationed in the region along the line where Hadrian’s
Wall would later be built. 17
As at other garrisons, the troops on the wall had a variety of
activities to keep them busy. Guard duty and patrols kept an eye on the
surrounding area. The base and its equipment had to be cleaned and
repaired, including mucking out the latrines. There were regular drills
and less regular parades and religious ceremonies for special occasions. 18
Serving on Hadrian’s Wall could be bad for the eyesight of the soldiers
serving there – records from one of the fortresses along the wall show
that conjunctivitis caused the most visits to the infirmary. Given
conditions in the region, it’s hardly surprising – the biting wind
whipped into the eyes of the soldiers on watch as they faced north. 19
The soldiers weren’t alone at the wall. As often happens at military
bases, civilian settlements grew up around some of the forts, supplying
the needs of the soldiers and making the most of their presence to
provide a steady supply of customers and a safe place to live. 20
The presence of the wall severely limited the raiding common between
tribes and by enemies on the Roman frontier. No-one mustered an army
large enough to assault the wall, and with it in the way mounted raiders
could not ride south. This meant that it was harder to take loot home.
At most, small bands of warriors on foot would sneak across the wall and
carry what they could back to their homes afterwards. It added to the
security of the region.
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