The Normandy landings (codenamed Operation Neptune) were the landing operations on 6 June 1944 (termed D-Day) of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. The largest seaborne invasion in history, the operation began the invasion of German-occupied western Europe, led to the liberation of France from Nazi control, and contributed to an Allied victory in the war. Planning for the operation began in 1943. In the months leading up to the invasion, the Allies conducted a substantial military deception, codenamed Operation Bodyguard, to mislead the Germans as to the date and location of the main Allied landings. The weather on D-Day was far from ideal, but postponing would have meant a delay of at least two weeks, as the invasion planners had requirements for the phase of the moon, the tides, and the time of day that meant only a few days in each month were deemed suitable. Hitler placed German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel in command of German forces and of developing fortifications along the Atlantic Wall in anticipation of an Allied invasion. A great collection of images here with some pre D-Day and some D-Day+
Normandy LST June 1944 Trucks and Jeeps

Omaha Beach Wrecks D-Day 1944 Normandy

Photo Fireman Put Out Fire in Carentan Normandy France 1944

US Soldiers Celebrate with French Civilians St Lo Normandy 1944

LST Ship Unloading Trucks D-Day Beach Normandy 1944

US LST 532 Unloads Jeep On Omaha Beach D-Day Normandy 1944

LCT 199 Landed 197th AA Omaha Beach D-Day Normandy 1944

Hospital Ship 65 After D-Day Normandy June 1944

Cullins hedgerow cutter for Allied tank Normandy 1944

Gliders Near Cherbourg France D-Day Normandy 6 June 1944

German Prisoners Pow Omaha Beach D-Day 1944 Normandy

German Bunker Normandy June 6 1944 D-Day

French Refugees Return after Liberation Normandy 1944

DUKW Duck On Omaha Beach D-Day Normandy June 1944

DUKW Amphibious on Slapton Sands England Pre D Day Training 1944

Destruction on D-Day Beach France Normandy 1944

Omaha Beach June 6 Normandy 1944

Carentan Normandy 21 June 1944

Bombed Building Factory Nr Vierville Normandy June 1944

Ships Scuttled off D-Day’s Omaha Beach

Aerial View Of German Beach Defenses In Normandy Summer 1944

US Infantrymen Advance thru German Minefield in Normandy 1944

US Army 4th Infantry Division Troops on Utah Red Beach D-Day Normandy 1944

Normandy 1944 LCM Vehicles Beached Sword Beach

Invasion Fleet For D-Day Normandy 1944 Operation Overlord

German prisoners of war 1944 France

Fleet Massed off Isle of Wight for D-Day Invasion of France 1944

Canadian Soldier Resting in Foxhole in Normandy France 1944

Bombed Ruins of Railway Station in Caen France Normandy 1944

1055th Engineers Clear Rubble in Isigny France

35th Infantry Division Troops And Wrecked Flakpanzer 38(t) In Tessy Sur Vire France

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