Την ώρα που η Ουκρανία βρίσκεται στο χείλος του πολέμου, η βρετανική εφημερίδα «Daily Mail» θυμίζει το «νεκροταφείο» τεθωρακισμένων αρμάτων, που βρίσκονται σε μυστική τοποθεσία έξω από το Χάρκοβο.
Filled with rows upon rows of slowly rusting relics, the once deadly
war machines now lie dormant in a secret depot in the town of Kharkiv in
the Slobozhanshchyna region of eastern Ukraine - just 20 miles from the
border with Russia
hearing about the strange Soviet-era tank cemetery from a friend,
photographer Patvel Itkin, 18, spent months trying find its whereabouts
Once a thriving tank repair plant, the depot has since become
redundant, meaning the once-deadly vehicles are now abandoned
Pavel Itkin said: 'It took me many months to track down this place, I
had heard about it from a friend and decided it would be a great place
to take pictures'
guns: Pavel Itkin says once he got inside the plant he was able to walk
around undisturbed for about two hours. He described the plant as
Itkin said: 'Just imagine over 400 tanks in one place, row after row of
them.' The 18-year-old described him as 'amazed' by the scale of the
its prime in the 1960s, the plant repaired more than 60 tanks and 55
engines per month, but work on the site ground to a halt after the fall
of the Soviet Union
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