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Leading interfaith activists such as Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg have defended working with extremist institutions by claiming, "We have to take risks to engage with each other. The Jewish community will be far weaker if we all shelter within a comfort zone labeled 'They all hate us out there'."As the British Islamist preacher Haitham Al-Haddad noted, not only do Islamist groups employ interfaith dialogue as a deception, but it is a deception that is crucial: "We are talking about minorities living in the West so we have to provide them with workable solutions in the short run. … It is not the far ultimate aim of Muslims because the far ultimate aim for Muslims is to have Islam governing the whole world, Islamization of the whole globe."Unfortunately, honorable activities do not only attract those with honorable intentions. Over the next decade, religious extremists may, in all likelihood, continue to foster violence and hatred in Britain. Should government really be in the business of promoting homophobes, anti-Semites and supporters of terror by continuing to fund, with taxpayers' money, interfaith networks so closely involved with the extremists themselves?
Interfaith dialogue is a
powerful industry in Britain. Many hundreds of groups receive many
hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers' funds to promote dialogue
between groups of different faith. On the face of it, such initiatives
appear to indicate progress and civilized discussion. But what sorts of
groups are involved with the world of interfaith?
The Inter Faith Network for the United Kingdom
The largest umbrella group in Britain for interfaith initiatives is the Inter Faith Network for the United Kingdom (IFN). Founded in 1987, the IFN claims it works to "promote understanding and respect" between different faith groups.[1]
The IFN has received millions of pounds of taxpayers' funds: 80% of the IFN's budget, in fact, is taxpayers' money.[2] In 2011 alone, the Department for Communities and Local Government granted £373,990 to the IFN.[3]
In July 2013, a delegate to an
IFN meeting in Birmingham told the conference that he had heard a senior
interfaith official claim that "Jews were a disease."[4]
The delegate then denounced a number of groups present at the
conference for their collaboration with signatories to the Istanbul
Declaration, a document that calls for attacks on British troops and Jewish communities.[5]
The IFN's stated aims, then, are clearly at odds with the views held by some of its membership.
The IFN's executive committee includes Ayub Laher,[6]
who is part of the ultra-conservative Deobandi movement. Laher belongs
to Jamiat Ulama-e-Britain (JuB), the representative body of Deobandi
scholars in Britain, whose Pakistani partner, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, is
"directly affiliated" to Pakistani Deobandi seminaries with close ties
to the Taliban.[7]
The Pakistani group's leader, Fazlur Rehman, described in Pakistan as a
"patron of jihad," has stated that his organization and the Ayub
Laher's JuB "have a unanimity of thought and ideology."[8]
From 2011-12, the IFN's
co-chairman was Dr. Manazir Ahsan (although his term expired in July of
this year, he remains a member of the IFN's executive committee), a
leading British Muslim activist who helped to coordinate the riots in
the UK against Salman Rushdie after the publication of his book, The Satanic Verses.
Manazir Ahsan was, in addition, a founder of the UK Action Committee on
Islamic Affairs, which organized book burnings and protests, and called
for the book to be banned and Rushdie to be prosecuted.[9]
Islamic Foundation
Ahsan is also the Director of the Islamic Foundation. In 2003, The Times
reported that two of the Foundation's trustees were on the UN sanctions
list of people associated with the Taliban and al-Qaeda.[10]
The Islamic Foundation is the
leading publisher of books by Abul Ala Maududi, the founder of the
Bangladeshi group Jamaat-e-Islami, which was responsible for acts of
genocide during the 1971 war in Bangladesh. In his book, Islamic Law and Constitution, Maududi wrote that his ideal state would bear "a kind of resemblance to the fascist and communist states."[11]
Lord Carlile, in his government paper on preventing violent extremism,
noted that Maududi was a key influence in the radicalization of young
British taxpayers have
questioned whether a leading British Islamist, such as Ahsan, involved
in a campaign of violent rhetoric and aggressive censorship, is
genuinely committed to the principle of dialogue; let alone whether or
not he was a suitable choice for chairman of the largest taxpayer-funded
interfaith group in the UK.
Jamiat Ulama-e-Brtiain [JuB]
The IFN's executive committee also includes Ayub Laher,[13]
who is part of the ultra-conservative Deobandi movement. Laher belongs
to Jamiat Ulama-e-Britain (JuB), the representative body of Deobandi
scholars in Britain, whose Pakistani partner, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, is
"directly affiliated" to Pakistani Deobandi seminaries with close ties
to the Taliban.[14]
The Pakistani group's leader, Fazlur Rehman, described in Pakistan as a
"patron of jihad," has stated that his organization and the Ayub
Laher's JuB "have a unanimity of thought and ideology."[15]
Laher (along with former IFN co-chair Manazir Ahsan) is an inaugural member of the Muslim Council of Britain [MCB]. In 2002,[16] and again in 2004,[17] Laher represented the JuB on the MCB's Central Working Committee.
Sheikh Mohammad Ismail, general
secretary of the JuB, claimed, in 2007, that the JuB was opposed to
"any kind of political violence." He told The Times
that, "You're trying to link us with terrorism. What about all those
masonic and Zionist organizations? What about Palestine, what about
Iraq? Where are those weapons of mass destruction? You never, ever talk
about that."[18]
The Joseph Interfaith Foundation
Interfaith groups within the
IFN also collaborate with extreme Islamist groups. The Joseph Interfaith
Foundation (JIF), for instance, was established in 2006 by Mehri
Niknam, who was formerly Director of the Maimonides Foundation, another
interfaith group.[19]
The JIF claims to be an "officially joint Muslim-Jewish interfaith
organization that is committed to fostering engagement through a
constructive and realistic dialogue between the Muslim and Jewish
communities in Britain."[20]
The JIF works closely, however,
with Imam Abdul Qayyum, a member of "National Council of Imams and
Rabbis" (a registered operating name of the Joseph Interfaith
and yet he is a signatory to the unambiguously anti-Semitic and
pro-terror Istanbul Declaration, which regards "everyone standing with
the Zionist entity, whether countries, institutions or individuals, as
providing a substantial contribution to the crimes and brutality of this
entity; the position towards him is the same as towards this usurping
entity."[22] The document further urges support for the violent destruction of the "Zionist Jewish occupiers."[23]
A former trustee of the JIF is
Lord Ahmed, who, in 2012, while a trustee, was suspended from the Labour
Party after he claimed on Pakistani television that he was only jailed
for dangerous driving in 2008 because of pressure on the courts from
"Jews" who, he said, "own newspapers and TV channels."[24]
He also claimed that the judge in the 2008 case was appointed to his
position after he helped a "Jewish colleague" of Tony Blair during an
important case.[25]
In 2005, Ahmed hosted a book
launch in the House of Lords for Israel Shamir, also known as Jöran
Jermas. Shamir's speech at the event included statements such as: "Jews
indeed own, control and edit a big share of mass media, this mainstay of
Imperial thinking. ... In the Middle East we have just one reason for
wars, terror and trouble — and that is Jewish supremacy drive."[26]
When the journalist Stephen
Pollard contacted Ahmed for comment, Ahmed refused to condemn Shamir or,
in fact, issue any statement at all. A year later, the Joseph
Interfaith Foundation invited Ahmed to become a trustee of the charity.
Lord Sheikh, a Conservative Peer and another trustee of the JIF,[27] has praised the Al-Muntada Al-Islami, a fundamentalist Wahhabi charity, at the events of which he is a "VIP speaker."[28]
In 2009, Sheikh led a delegation organized by the Palestinian Return
Centre, a group identified by the Intelligence services as a lobbying
organization for the Palestinian group Hamas,[29] to meet with Syria's President Bashar Assad.[30]
In May 2010, Lord Sheikh was
the keynote speaker at a charity dinner for Interpal, a charity the
leading official of which, Ibrahim Hewitt, openly supports Hamas and has
called for the killing of homosexuals.[31] In 2003, the United States government classified Interpal as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist group.[32]
The JIF enjoys taxpayer
funding. In 2009, it received £21,447 from the Department for
Communities and Local Government and the Fulbright Commission.[33]
Partners with which the JIF "regularly cooperates"[34] include:
East London Mosque & London Muslim Centre
The East London Mosque is the home of the Islamic Forum of Europe, the European branch of Jamaat-e-Islami that controls the institution. The British Government has acknowledged that the East London Mosque is "the key institution for the Bangladeshi wing of Jamaat-e-Islami in the UK."[35] JIF has held a number of events at the Mosque, and invite preachers to speak such as Saad al-Beraik,[36] a "prominent [Saudi] government official cleric" who refers to Jews as "monkeys" and has said, "Muslim brothers in Palestine, do not have any mercy neither compassion on the Jews, their blood, their money, their flesh. Their women are yours to take, legitimately. God made them yours. Why don't you enslave their women? Why don't you wage jihad? Why don't you pillage them?"[37]
Over the last six years the East London Mosque has received £2.9 million of public funds.[38]The East London Mosque is the home of the Islamic Forum of Europe, the European branch of Jamaat-e-Islami that controls the institution. The British Government has acknowledged that the East London Mosque is "the key institution for the Bangladeshi wing of Jamaat-e-Islami in the UK."[35] JIF has held a number of events at the Mosque, and invite preachers to speak such as Saad al-Beraik,[36] a "prominent [Saudi] government official cleric" who refers to Jews as "monkeys" and has said, "Muslim brothers in Palestine, do not have any mercy neither compassion on the Jews, their blood, their money, their flesh. Their women are yours to take, legitimately. God made them yours. Why don't you enslave their women? Why don't you wage jihad? Why don't you pillage them?"[37]
Forward Thinking
Forward Thinking is an interfaith group that claims to "promote greater understanding and confidence between the diverse grassroots Muslim communities and the wider society."[39] It is chaired, however, by chaired by William Sieghart, who supports British détente with the Palestinian terror group, Hamas.[40]
Forward Thinking is an interfaith group that claims to "promote greater understanding and confidence between the diverse grassroots Muslim communities and the wider society."[39] It is chaired, however, by chaired by William Sieghart, who supports British détente with the Palestinian terror group, Hamas.[40]
In 2008, Forward Thinking brought Tafazal Mohammad -- a "suspected terrorist sympathizer closely linked to the July 7 bombers"[41] and formerly a trustee, along with 7/7 tube bomber, Mohammad Siddique Khan, of a "jihadist bookshop"[42] -- to address a meeting in the British Parliament.
In 2012, the Jewish Chronicle
reported that between 2008 and 2010, the Pears Foundation, one of the
Jewish community's largest charitable trusts and interfaith funders,[43] had granted £23,000 to Forward Thinking.[44]
Islamic Cultural Centre & London Central Mosque
The Islamic Cultural Centre, based in London, organizes "training for Non-Muslim Professionals, consultation with Government/Non Government organisations on Race Relations, meetings with the Metropolitan Police on Race relations, lectures and conferences on Islam in Universities, colleges, schools, Churches and Synagogues."[45]
The Islamic Cultural Centre, based in London, organizes "training for Non-Muslim Professionals, consultation with Government/Non Government organisations on Race Relations, meetings with the Metropolitan Police on Race relations, lectures and conferences on Islam in Universities, colleges, schools, Churches and Synagogues."[45]
The Centre's director, Ahmad Al Dubayan, described as a "Saudi diplomat"[46] is also a trustee of the King Fahad Academy[47]
(funded and managed by the Saudi government) which, in 2007, was
revealed by a former employee to have taught pupils from textbooks that
described Christians as "pigs" and Jews as "monkeys." Pupils were also
asked to "mention some repugnant characteristics of Jews."[48]
In 2008, a Channel 4 Dispatches
program filmed preachers at the Centre calling upon Muslims to murder
homosexuals and adulterers, declaring that Muslims who convert to
another religion should also be slaughtered, and branding the behavior
of other races as "vile."[49]
In 2011, the JIF organized an exhibition at London Central Mosque's Islamic Cultural Centre, and invited as the keynote speaker[50]
Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulmuhsin Al-Turki, the Secretary General of the
Muslim World League, a Saudi-based international organization that
promotes a fundamentalist interpretation of Islam and has provided
financial support to a considerable number of terrorist organizations,
including Hamas, Abu Sayyaf group, Moro Islamic Liberation Front, Jemaah
Islamiyya and Al Qaeda.[51]
According to the
Anti-Defamation League in 2001, Al-Turki said that "the Jews' distortion
of the book of Allah…is not a new matter—it is the natural disposition
of the Jews who inherited this deception from their forefathers and
their ancestors who perverted the Torah and Zaboor and the Bible…The new
Hebrew translation of the meaning of the Holy Qur'an adds a new perfidy
to the perfidies of the Jews."[52]
London Citizens
Another important interfaith group, London Citizens,[53]
has also partnered with extremist groups. London Citizens is a group of
self-appointed "community organizers," founded by Neil Jameson in
association with the East London Mosque, and the Islamic Forum of Europe
(IFE), which itself is linked to Jamaat-e-Islami.[54]
Jameson has said that he is
"proud of the East London Mosque" and regards the Mosque and the IFE as
"straightforward, sensible [and] excellent at developing and nurturing
young people in proper behavior in a democracy."[55]
Jameson has also defended Hamas supporter Junaid Ahmed -- who happens
to be a "youth coordinator" for the IFE as well as Deputy Chairman of
London Citizens -- as someone who "neither promotes or condones
terrorism, nor expresses support for any proscribed organization."[56]
London Citizens' chapters comprise a number of extremist organizations, including:
- Al-Muntada Al-Islami Trust[57] – a Salafi charity that regularly hosts extremist preachers at its events and conferences, including Muhammad Al Arifi, who encourages jihad against "non-believers," and says he believes that "devotion to Jihad for the sake of Allah, and the desire to shed blood, to smash skulls and to sever limbs for the sake of Allah and in defence of His religion, is, undoubtedly, an honour for the believer."[58] Nigerian newspapers have accused the Al-Muntada Trust of funding Boko Haram,[59] an Al Qaeda-affiliated terror group.
- Islamic Centre of England – a religious organization run by representatives of the Iranian regime, such as Ayatollah Moezi, who describes himself as the personal representative of the Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The Centre's officials also manage Hawza Ilmiyya, a religious school where, in 2006, The Times reported students were being taught fundamentalist doctrines that describe non-Muslims as "filth."[60] Other texts included a chapter on jihad, setting down the conditions under which Muslims are supposed to fight Christians and Jews.
- Islamic Education Research Academy[61] – a Salafi group that tours preachers around Britain. Three iERA speakers have been banned from entering the country: Bilal Philips, described by the U.S. an "unindicted co-conspirator" in the 1993 al-Qaeda attack on the World Trade Center; Zakir Naik, banned from the UK for saying that "every Muslim should be a terrorist," and Hussein Yee, who openly preaches hatred against Jews, and claims that Jews in America were "happy" when the Twin Towers fell.[62]
Despite these connections, London Citizens continues to enjoy the support of leading Jewish rabbis and interfaith activists,[63] and is "feted" by Prime Minister David Cameron and Labour Party Leader Ed Miliband.[64] London Citizens has received thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money through local Government and police grants.[65]
It is clear that a considerable
number of Islamist groups involve themselves with interfaith dialogue
in order to deflect attention from their extremist ideology. Interfaith
provides such groups with political and moral legitimacy, as well as the
possibility of taxpayer funding. How, then, does the network of
interfaith groups respond when such information is uncovered?
In May 2013, a number of
interfaith activists, from across the Jewish, Muslim and Christian
communities, expressed their concern that, through their enthusiasm for
interfaith dialogue, Jewish community bodies, politicians and interfaith
groups were collaborating with extremist individuals and groups.
This group of interfaith
activists sent a letter to the "Jewish community leadership" asking,
"...whether Jewish interfaith representatives are talking to the 'right
kind of Muslims'... The 'wrong kind of Muslims' are associated with the
extremist Jamaat-e-Islami, expressed in the UK through institutions such
as the Islamic Foundation (IF), Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) and
East London Mosque (ELM)."[66]
By championing these Islamists
as the "voice" of British Islam, the Inter Faith Network falsely
legitimizes these extremist groups, such as the Muslim Council of
Britain, to be sincerely representative of British Muslims. A 2007
survey revealed, however, that 94% of British Muslims do not believe
that the Muslim Council of Britain represents their views.[67]
Smaller religious sects have
also found interfaith organizations to be hostile. In November 2012,
over twenty different religious groups came to the House of Lords
together with representatives of civil liberty groups and academic
bodies to express concern about religious discrimination by the Inter
Faith Network against minority religious groups like the Ahmadiyya and
the Pagans.[68]
The meeting discussed a document published by the human rights law
firm, Bindmans LLP, which found that "the Inter Faith Network is found
to have practised discrimination on grounds of religion or belief,
contrary to the Equality Act 2010 and other law, in its membership
policies against particular faith communities in Britain."[69]
It seems that interfaith
officials have excluded these smaller religious sects from interfaith
initiatives in order to placate the larger Islamist groups within the
Inter Faith Network. The Muslim Council of Britain, for instance, says
it regards Ahmadiyya Muslims as heretics, and claims in a press release
in 2010 that, "The Muslim Council of Britain's clear stand is Ahmadiyyas
do not subscribe to the Muslim creed. This is the unanimous position of
all Muslim schools of thoughts across the world."[70]
Government officials have also
been complicit in promoting such discrimination. In 2011, Warwick
Hawkins, Head of Faith Communities Engagement for the Department of
Communities and Local Government, expressed concern at a proposed series
of interfaith events; he told one interfaith activist, "We note that
the (Ahmadiyya) Baitul Futuh Mosque is shown as a partner for the first
of the events. Has consideration been given to how this will affect the
participation of mainstream Muslims?"[71]
Freedom of Information
requests, submitted by this author, asking the British Government to
release copies of all the correspondence between Government departments
and the Inter Faith Network, have so far been denied.
Interfaith has become part of
Islamist groups' efforts to project soft power -- a way for the Muslim
Brotherhood and Jamaat-e-Islami groups to promote politicized Islam as a
real political force.
Leading interfaith activists
such as Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg have defended working with extremist
institutions by claiming: "We have to take risks to engage with each
other. The Jewish community will be far weaker if we all shelter within a
comfort zone labeled 'They all hate us out there'."
Officials from the Inter Faith
Network, meanwhile, claim the IFN is not responsible for the extremism
of its member bodies. Bob Fyffe and Vivian Wineman, the co-chairs of the
IFN, have said: "If there are member bodies of IFN – or indeed any
other bodies - which you and colleagues have evidence are linked to
violent extremism, this is a serious matter which we trust you will
bring to the attention of the police or the relevant Home Office
But as the British Islamist
preacher Haitham Al-Haddad has noted, not only is the role of Interfaith
a deception, it is a deception that is crucial:
"Of course, as Muslims, we believe that this co-existence cannot take place unless they are living under the umbrella of al-Islam, under the system of al-Islam. ...we have to differentiate between a situation of a necessity that we are dealing with and the ultimate aim in an ideal situation." We are talking about minorities living in the West so we have to provide them with workable solutions in the short run. And as we said, these visions and strategies are meant to be for a short run, means within fifty years, something like this.
"It is not the far ultimate aim of Muslims because the far ultimate aim for Muslims is to have Islam governing the whole world, Islamisation of the whole globe. This is the ultimate aim of any Muslim and of all communities, Muslim communities."But we are not talking about that at the moment, we are talking about the immediate goals. So, in terms of immediate goals we need this peaceful co-existence and they claim that they are promoting it and we need to take it from there." [72]
Unfortunately, honorable
activities do not only attract those with honorable intentions. Over the
next decade, religious extremists may, in all likelihood, continue to
foster violence and hatred in Britain. Should Government really be in
the business of promoting homophobes, anti-Semites and supporters of
terror by continuing to fund, with taxpayers' money, interfaith networks
so closely involved with the extremists themselves?
[2] Confirmed by the Treasurer of the IFN, Mr Ramesh Shah, at the IFN Annual General Meeting of 1 July 2013
[4] Stand for Peace interview with IFN delegate
[5] Our shunning of the MCB is not grandstanding, Hazel Blears, The Guardian, 25 March 2009
[7] 'Two faces of British youth in thrall to sinister Muslim sect', Andrew Norfolk, 8 September 2007.
[8] 'Two faces of British youth in thrall to sinister Muslim sect', Andrew Norfolk, 8 September 2007.
[9] 'Prosecute Rushdie, Says Moslem Group', Shenai Raif, Press Association, 19 September 1990
[10] 'The colleges with links to Islamist movements', Sean O'Neill, The Times, July 29 2004
[12] 'Report to the Home Secretary of Independent Oversight of Prevent Review and Strategy', Lord Carlile, 2011, Point 21 -
[14] 'Two faces of British youth in thrall to sinister Muslim sect', Andrew Norfolk, 8 September 2007.
[15] 'Two faces of British youth in thrall to sinister Muslim sect', Andrew Norfolk, 8 September 2007.
[16] MCB Central Working Committee: 2002.
[17] MCB Central Working Committee: 2004.
[18] Andrew Norfolk, Two faces of British youth in thrall to sinister Muslim sect, 8 September 2007.
[23] ibid.
[26] Lord Ahmed's unwelcome guest, Stephen Pollard, The Times, 7 April 2005
[28] Also see:
[30] 'Report on the Parliamentarian Delegation to Syria', Page 15, Palestinian Return Centre, 2009
[32] US Treasury Press Release - "U.S. Designates Five Charities Funding Hamas and Six Senior Hamas Leaders as Terrorist Entities", 8/22/2003, #JS-672
[35] 'The Pakistani Muslim Community in England: Understanding Muslim Ethnic Communities', Department for Communities and Local Government, Page 40
[38] Data taken from annual reports for financial years 2006-12, as filed with the UK Charity Commission
[40] 'We must adjust our distorted image of Hamas', William Sieghart, The Times, December 31 2008
[42] ibid.
[44] 'Pears funded charity which hosted jihadist', Martin Bright, Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 2011
[45] Islamic Cultural Centre website -
[46] 'Lessons in hate found at leading mosques', Sean O'Neill, The Times, October 30 2007
[48] Saudi-backed school 'taught racism', Sean O'Neill, The Times, February 6 2007
[52] Muslims USA, New York, May 2001 issue (as cited in 'Backgrounder: Muslim World League', Anti-Defamation League website)
[55] Ibid.
[59] 'Boko Haram's funding traced to UK', Taiwo Adisa, Tribune, 13 February 2012
[60] 'Muslim students being taught to despise unbelievers as filth', Sean O'Neill, The Times, 20 April 2006
[65] 'Management Committee Report and Financial Statement', London Citizens, Charity Commission, March 2011
[66] Open Letter to the Jewish Community Leadership: "Is the Jewish Community Talking to the Right Kind of Muslims?", Harry's Place, 10 May 2013 —"is-the-jewish-community-talking-to-the-right-kind-of-muslims"/
[70] MCB Condemns Violence or Hatred Towards any Group, 22 October 2010.
[71] Warwick Hawkins. RE: Inter Faith Week Grant Proposal – Scriptural Reasoning. 7th November 2011
[2] Confirmed by the Treasurer of the IFN, Mr Ramesh Shah, at the IFN Annual General Meeting of 1 July 2013
[4] Stand for Peace interview with IFN delegate
[5] Our shunning of the MCB is not grandstanding, Hazel Blears, The Guardian, 25 March 2009
[7] 'Two faces of British youth in thrall to sinister Muslim sect', Andrew Norfolk, 8 September 2007.
[8] 'Two faces of British youth in thrall to sinister Muslim sect', Andrew Norfolk, 8 September 2007.
[9] 'Prosecute Rushdie, Says Moslem Group', Shenai Raif, Press Association, 19 September 1990
[10] 'The colleges with links to Islamist movements', Sean O'Neill, The Times, July 29 2004
[12] 'Report to the Home Secretary of Independent Oversight of Prevent Review and Strategy', Lord Carlile, 2011, Point 21 -
[14] 'Two faces of British youth in thrall to sinister Muslim sect', Andrew Norfolk, 8 September 2007.
[15] 'Two faces of British youth in thrall to sinister Muslim sect', Andrew Norfolk, 8 September 2007.
[16] MCB Central Working Committee: 2002.
[17] MCB Central Working Committee: 2004.
[18] Andrew Norfolk, Two faces of British youth in thrall to sinister Muslim sect, 8 September 2007.
[23] ibid.
[26] Lord Ahmed's unwelcome guest, Stephen Pollard, The Times, 7 April 2005
[28] Also see:
[30] 'Report on the Parliamentarian Delegation to Syria', Page 15, Palestinian Return Centre, 2009
[32] US Treasury Press Release - "U.S. Designates Five Charities Funding Hamas and Six Senior Hamas Leaders as Terrorist Entities", 8/22/2003, #JS-672
[35] 'The Pakistani Muslim Community in England: Understanding Muslim Ethnic Communities', Department for Communities and Local Government, Page 40
[38] Data taken from annual reports for financial years 2006-12, as filed with the UK Charity Commission
[40] 'We must adjust our distorted image of Hamas', William Sieghart, The Times, December 31 2008
[42] ibid.
[44] 'Pears funded charity which hosted jihadist', Martin Bright, Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 2011
[45] Islamic Cultural Centre website -
[46] 'Lessons in hate found at leading mosques', Sean O'Neill, The Times, October 30 2007
[48] Saudi-backed school 'taught racism', Sean O'Neill, The Times, February 6 2007
[52] Muslims USA, New York, May 2001 issue (as cited in 'Backgrounder: Muslim World League', Anti-Defamation League website)
[55] Ibid.
[59] 'Boko Haram's funding traced to UK', Taiwo Adisa, Tribune, 13 February 2012
[60] 'Muslim students being taught to despise unbelievers as filth', Sean O'Neill, The Times, 20 April 2006
[65] 'Management Committee Report and Financial Statement', London Citizens, Charity Commission, March 2011
[66] Open Letter to the Jewish Community Leadership: "Is the Jewish Community Talking to the Right Kind of Muslims?", Harry's Place, 10 May 2013 —"is-the-jewish-community-talking-to-the-right-kind-of-muslims"/
[70] MCB Condemns Violence or Hatred Towards any Group, 22 October 2010.
[71] Warwick Hawkins. RE: Inter Faith Week Grant Proposal – Scriptural Reasoning. 7th November 2011
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