The Dirty War in Northern KurdistanDr. Chia Shojaei, Professor of a University in Eastern Kurdistan
Imagine a great empire, the Kurdish Medes, has been a colony and everyday are killed reality owners of this land, Kurdistan, by the Turkish immigrants. Oppressed people are Kurds and cruel nation are the Turkish government. The Turks came and got Kurdistan under their power on 11th century. During the Othman power until recently, they killed more than two million Kurdish and Armenian people. Right now there is fighting between colonist, Turks, and colony, Kurds. For almost 30 years, Turkish government has directly started the war against Kurdistan. This war has many reasons but the primary |  |
roots of war between Kurdish nation and Turkish government are cultural, political, and economical issues. Turkish culture is one of the important reasons for war against the Kurdish nation. Turkish people are violently people because they have historical wars against other people. Nine centuries ago, Turks occupied Kurdistan and Middle East. As a result, they have killed millions people such a Kurds. While today’s Turkey is combined of more than seven different ethics such as Kurds, Arabs, Turkmen, and Armenian but Turkish government denied them. According to the Turkish constitution, other ethnicity must deny their culture and claim that are Turk. It is fascism. Even though there are more than 30 million Kurdish in the Northern Kurdistan, southern Turkey, under Turkish government, but Turkish government have denied the Kurdish culture such as language, ceremony, cloths, music, and their history. As a result, the Kurdish freedom movement has stated combat for democracy and freedom during 90 years. Instead, the Kurdish peaceful movement has wanted a peaceful solution for Kurdish problem but Turkish government has answered by war and violent. Historically, the Turkish government hasn’t believed human rights because Kurdish freedom movement always has wanted human rights, but Turkish government denied the Kurdish nation. The Turkish mentality doesn’t accept democracy and human rights. They believe on their hegemony.
In addition, the Turkish people generally have had an emotion to take under power other ethnicities. Historical documents show that Turkish ethnic wanted to have hegemony in the world. Although, many ethnics and nations realized under Turkish hegemony, the Kurdish nation couldn’t have gotten freedom yet. As a result, when Kurdish movement wanted to rescue under hegemony, Turkish government have imposed on Kurdish nation the war. Turkish government has always chosen war as the answer. For example, in 1974, the Turkish government assaulted to Cyprus and occupied Northern this country. Since Turkish tribes assaulted the Kurdistan land, they administrate Turkey by centralism and war against other nations. According political research, the Kurdish Freedom movements always wanted a Democratic Federalism system, but the Turkish government has rejected this request. Also, Turkish society has never accepted a democratic system. Not only the Turkish government but also Islamic parties rejected a democratic federal system for Turkey. While, the war is not the answer for Kurdish problem, the Turkish government response the war for Kurdish. This war not only has cultural and political but also has economic causes.
Finally, economic purpose has been a strange motive for war against Kurdistan. Kurdistan has many economic rich resources, so Turks use these advantages as a colony. While Turks are rich people and use economic resources in Kurdistan, the majority of Kurdistan people are poor and don’t have utility of these resources. Economic resources have caused Turkey to have thousands army garrison and militarization, in Kurdistan. The Kurdish freedom movement wants economic resources are used for welfare of local people. Turkish government always response war for this wants. On the other hand, Kurdistan is a strategic area to transit towards Africa, Asia, and Arab gulf. Kurdistan has been contorted by army forces of Turkey. According to official report Turkish government has allocated about $400 billion for war against Kurdistan. While Kurds always wanted their rights, human rights, Turkey has imposed the war against Kurdistan.
In conclusion, the Turkish government has tow faces. It is warlike in the inside of Turkey and democratic mask on the outside. Turkish government has chosen war for answering Kurdish question. There are several reasons for war against Kurdistan such as Turkish culture, politics, and economy. Even if the Turkish government believes war can solve the Kurdish problem in Turkey, Kurdish people have made a stand to get their rights. Kurdish nation have taken good results. Consequently, the war has terrible effects on Turkish government. The Kurdistan democratic movements have been increasing. If the war continues, the Turkish government wills loss opportunities for development. Kurds want peaceful solution and they will get their rights in spite of the Turkish’s war in Kurdistan.
Dr. Chia Shojaei, Professor of a University in Eastern Kurdistan -
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